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Shoot Out - Afinogenov's goal was dirrrty


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I'd like to thank the officials for giving Montreal a point tonight.


This team is amazing.  If you're not a hockey fan, I feel sorry for you.  You're missing one of the great teams in Buffalo sports history.



Amen. I about shiot a brick after Maxim's 3rd period goal. It doesn't get much better than this.

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I'd like to thank the officials for giving Montreal a point tonight.


This team is amazing.  If you're not a hockey fan, I feel sorry for you.  You're missing one of the great teams in Buffalo sports history.



Whoa there, Montreal played well. A bad loss though :lol: Should have put it away, but anyway, coming into this game, getting a point on the road against one of the SC favuorites isn't that bad. Hopefully we could beat the Leafs tomorrow.

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That was an amazing game. Not only did the Sabres have to come from behind to beat the Habs, they also had to overcome really bad officiating. Those calls in the third period could have been devastating to a team that does not have as much heart as the Sabres.


Great win guys.

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3rd goal by connolly gives me wood...just thought you would like to know



Too bad the video isn't clean enough to see what he actually did with the puck on that rush.

Absolutely fu(king filthy......

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I'd like to thank the officials for giving Montreal a point tonight.


This team is amazing.  If you're not a hockey fan, I feel sorry for you.  You're missing one of the great teams in Buffalo sports history.



Damn right. I will be in Detroit Friday night for the game vs. the Red Wings. I simply can't wait.

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I'd like to thank the officials for giving Montreal a point tonight.


This team is amazing.  If you're not a hockey fan, I feel sorry for you.  You're missing one of the great teams in Buffalo sports history.



Perhaps the single worst call by a ref in ten years when he staring at the puck which is never covered and barely slows down and then jumps in front of Max as he's putting it in the net and says the play is dead.

That entire crew should be disciplined.

Refs, f em.

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