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The last time Bill and Hillary were that close was 9 months before Chelsea


Thats impossible everyone in Arkansas knows that her daddy's name is Web Hubble.......


"See Ralph, if you lean here and slap her in the head like this (thwack), she talks like Bill O'Reilly."


"So when you move to LA, we'll wipe out this whole stadium, and put a new mall."



By the way, Ralph's jacket is sweet. Where can I get one like that?





" See Ralph the trick is...you gotta get your hand really high, and put as much force into the slap as possible so they really feel it....plus it leaves red mark hand print on her cheek, ya feel me Ralphie, now get over here and try it"


"See now i had Monica just like this, i slipped in from the side with the simple and on the ass, and then before she knew it... See how i did that? Hill go get that girl down there so Ralph can give it a try."

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