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What time is the game on this Sunday?

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Welcome to the NFL ... haha


I know they are usually at 1 or 4 if they are day games, but I thought I heard something on the radio this morning that it was starting at a different time, thats why I just wanted to confirm the time.


It was probably just one of those things when you are still half asleep and you don't exactly register you just heard

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I know they are usually at 1 or 4 if they are day games, but I thought I heard something on the radio this morning that it was starting at a different time, thats why I just wanted to confirm the time.


It was probably just one of those things when you are still half asleep and you don't exactly register you just heard



nah its OK man ... ive had thoughts like that

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I know they are usually at 1 or 4 if they are day games, but I thought I heard something on the radio this morning that it was starting at a different time, thats why I just wanted to confirm the time.


It was probably just one of those things when you are still half asleep and you don't exactly register you just heard


All hail the power of the almighty dollar. Thanks to network television, with very few exceptions (Thanksgiving + late-season Saturday games), the early games WILL begin at 1:00 Eastern... no matter what time that makes the kickoff where the games are actually being played.


That took some getting used to in San Antonio last season, since that was the first road game I'd ever been to outside our time zone...

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All hail the power of the almighty dollar. Thanks to network television, with very few exceptions (Thanksgiving + late-season Saturday games), the early games WILL begin at 1:00 Eastern... no matter what time that makes the kickoff where the games are actually being played.


That took some getting used to in San Antonio last season, since that was the first road game I'd ever been to outside our time zone...



I like it better that way ...

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I like it better that way ...



Out here in California, the early games start at 10 AM! I leave the house by 9:15 to get to the bar in time.



Go A's!!!

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7AM here in HI. Tons of fun after a Saturday night out. I'm not a morning person! :lol:



Out here in California, the early games start at 10 AM! I leave the house by 9:15 to get to the bar in time.

Go A's!!!


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Wow that's got to be sucky at 7am.


At least in HI your nads aren't freezing to the side of your leg by early October.



That is the way I would like it... Sleep right through it, get up and check the score... No popping extra pressure pills during the game!


Last week I was "doing a family outting" up in Saugatuck, MI... It was excruciating checking my cell phone for updates... I knew something was happening and the thing wouldn't update for an eternity (or least it seemed that way) in the last two minutes... You should have seen me, I was hysterical that something was happening to snatch away a Bills' victory... I can't wait to get my web usage bill... :lol::D



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