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anybody other than me watching JERICHO?

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Kidnapped has been cancelled -- they'll complete 13 episodes and wrap up the storyline, but then it's over:


I think that's one thing that makes Joss Whedon so popular (Buffy, Angel, Firefly) - he wrote shows that could stand alone but also fit into a bigger picture. 



X- Files being the model, alternating one offs with their conspiracy theme. There was never a reason to abandon the show (if that was one's thing).


And I like what I've seen of the Kidnapped. Another interesting cast but I couldn't see Crazy Billy from Six Feeet Under stretching on into multiple seasons. The Rockford Files, he is not...



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When it comes to venipuncture, I'm the best in the world....it's documented  :devil:


I don't know who they hire at the Red Cross, but the ones here where I live are some smug beyotches!


Nice to hear you gave blood, though....I don't think people realize how important that really is!


I gave blood today too. I am all about the double red machine! I cant beleive the Red Cross puts out "Urgent Need for Blood" signs everywhere and there is still a shortage.

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I gave blood today too.  I am all about the double red machine!  I cant beleive the Red Cross puts out "Urgent Need for Blood" signs everywhere and there is still a shortage.



In all honestly, I think they could do more to increase awareness. I knwo a lot of people who are completely willing, but they just forget to do it. It really doesn't take all that long, as you know, and they often times come to your place of work for blood drives and such. People might be surprised at how much we use in the hospital, though....we go through a lot of blood.


When I was working in downtown Atlanta, we'd often get patients who were drug seeking, or just otherwise in the hospital because they had nothing better to do. This one guy actually did have a low blood count, enough that a unit could be justified, but he was being very difficult and eluvise when it came to signing the consent. I have to see a LOT of evidence before I'll take a cynical approach with a patient, but this guy had really pushed our buttons. He eventually decided to accept the unit of blood, so I started his IV, got the consent signed, and ordered the blood.


After I got back from picking it up, and I was about ready to start the infusion, he starts stalling. I told him I needed to know w/in 30 mins since the blood could not be returned after that amt of time. I went back after 20, and he said he was ready to go. I started the infusion, got him up and running, and stayed with him for the first fifteen mins (which is protocol). All of a sudden he says he changed his mind and doesn't want the blood. I asked if he was not feeling well or havign a reaction and he said, "no". He just didn't want it. After about ten mins of explaining why it was not a good idea to just stop the transfusion, I was pretty damn pissed. I went and consulted with the doc, and thankfully he and I were of the same mind. We agreed that we'd both had enough of this jackass, and that his blood count was stable enough for him to just be transfused as an outpatient if he so desired....so we documented everything we could think of, and then I had the pleasure of kicking this fukker out of the hospital. He pretty much went off on me when I gave him the news, but I couldn't have cared less. Good riddance!


But anyway, the point is that I want you to know that we take your donations very seriously and do everything we can to make sure every unit is properly used.

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In all honestly, I think they could do more to increase awareness. I knwo a lot of people who are completely willing, but they just forget to do it. It really doesn't take all that long, as you know, and they often times come to your place of work for blood drives and such. People might be surprised at how much we use in the hospital, though....we go through a lot of blood.



It was easy for me when I worked downtown in Syracuse, the Red Cross was only two blocks away, so I'd go either in the morning or right after lunch.

One calender year I gave 7 pints. I figured out that if you give within the first week in January, and did a donation every 56 (or how ever many days it is) you would be giving the 7th pint in December.

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It was easy for me when I worked downtown in Syracuse, the Red Cross was only two blocks away, so I'd go either in the morning or right after lunch.

One calender year I gave 7 pints. I figured out that if you give within the first week in January, and did a donation every 56 (or how ever many days it is) you would be giving the 7th pint in December.



That's really awesome...I wish more people would do that! Hell, even just ONCE a year would be great

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