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anybody other than me watching JERICHO?

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What is the deal with Nurses!! Cant they hit a GD vein??

Sorry, gave blood today. Gyserville!! :D



When it comes to venipuncture, I'm the best in the world....it's documented :D


I don't know who they hire at the Red Cross, but the ones here where I live are some smug beyotches!


Nice to hear you gave blood, though....I don't think people realize how important that really is!

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When it comes to venipuncture, I'm the best in the world....it's documented  :D


I don't know who they hire at the Red Cross, but the ones here where I live are some smug beyotches!


Nice to hear you gave blood, though....I don't think people realize how important that really is!




Close to my first gallon. :D


BTW, every time I give blood, I always receive gifts. I always get a t-shirt. This time I got 3 passes to the Aquarium where I live. The kids will love it, again.


Its worth the bruise :D



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Close to my first gallon. :D


BTW, every time I give blood, I always receive gifts. I always get a t-shirt. This time I got 3 passes to the Aquarium when I live. The kids will love it, again.


Its worth the bruise :D





I'm glad they're doing that for ya....I think when people hear the "it saves lives" thing, it just sort of goes in one ear and out the other....but you LITERALLY are saving lives when you take the time to do that. Kudos to you :D

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Close to my first gallon. :D

Congrats! My dad has been giving blood every time he's been legally allowed to since he was 18. Gallons and gallons. He has all sorts of gold plated pins and such commemorating his giving.


I'd give blood if I didn't have an insane fear of needles...


BTW - what's this have to do with Jericho? :D


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Congrats!  My dad has been giving blood every time he's been legally allowed to since he was 18.  Gallons and gallons.  He has all sorts of gold plated pins and such commemorating his giving.


I'd give blood if I didn't have an insane fear of needles...


BTW - what's this have to do with Jericho? :D





Sorry, hi-jack city. I saw aj and was reminded of his work..


Here let me try..





JericHo SUCKS!!! (better :D )

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I'd give blood if I didn't have an insane fear of needles...




Ironically enough, I can't gve blood either :D I found out the hard way that I vaso-vagal when I get stuck, which basically means my heart drops down into a "not so safe" rate. I can pretty much stick anyone and get blood from places other RNs won't even think of trying, but if I get stuck my body can't tolerate it, lol.

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How many serials can I to commit to ? Of Jericho, Vanished, Kidnapped, The Nin9, Six Degrees ... I chose Smith on the strength of cast ( Ray Liotta, Ginny Madsen, Amy Smart, Jonny Lee Miller, Simon Baker). Skeet Ulrich, Major Dad and Pamela Reed didn't quite compare.


Does it have the taint of Lost ? The isolation angle requires much suspension of belief, no ? I would hate to miss out on another winner.



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How many serials can I to commit to ? Of Jericho, Vanished, Kidnapped, The Nin9, Six Degrees ... I chose Smith on the strength of cast ( Ray Liotta, Ginny Madsen, Amy Smart, Jonny Lee Miller, Simon Baker). Skeet Ulrich, Major Dad and Pamela Reed didn't quite compare.


Does it have the taint of Lost ? The isolation angle requires much suspension of belief, no ? I would hate to miss out on another winner.




Kidnapped has been cancelled -- they'll complete 13 episodes and wrap up the storyline, but then it's over:




Personally, I don't like disconnected shows at all -- with the exception of sit-coms. I want to be engaged by the story, not by a set of single-serving episodes. I think that's one thing that makes Joss Whedon so popular (Buffy, Angel, Firefly) - he wrote shows that could stand alone but also fit into a bigger picture. There's a minor thread and several major threads throughout each season. Excellend writing. Prison Break is similar in that regard. Veronica Mars is another excellent example (and HIGHLY recommended).


Of course it helps to have TiVo... :D


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I hope other folks are watching, great show. Wednesday at 8.




I've watched the first two episodes (the third is still on the DVR) and have enjoyed them and the premise of the show. It brings me back to my teenage years when I was obsessed with nuclear war. I will, however, give up on the show if they go in the direction of government conspiracy; which is where I fear they are going.

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Does it have the taint of Lost ? The isolation angle requires much suspension of belief, no ? I would hate to miss out on another winner.




Just did some Neilson research and found out the show is actually doing quite well. To me it does have that similar LOST flavor. Well done

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