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God, bears fans are arrogant


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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Miami Dolphins of the North. They've beaten no one (just like last season) and are already awarding themselves a berth in the Super Bowl.


Does this mean we're going to win this game? Nope. But it does mean that no championship has ever been awarded to a team after 4 regular season games.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Miami Dolphins of the North.  They've beaten no one (just like last season) and are already awarding themselves a berth in the Super Bowl.


Does this mean we're going to win this game?  Nope.  But it does mean that no championship has ever been awarded to a team after 4 regular season games.



Please go post this on my thread about kissing the Bears butt and watch you get flamed away .... but I do agree with you.

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they believe its all over......


I mean, seriously, Rex Grossman isn't a good qb.......sorry, thats my honest opinion


In honesty, as well I believe JP is still growing, so I cannot grade him until I see him finish a season or so


The "Official" Chicago Bears Board is crawling with homers and trolls. I've stopped going there. In fact, I've started my own little fan board (see my sig). I see the Bills have and "Official" Board as well- Bills Backers. Yet you guys are here. Why? Could it be for the same reason I don't go to the official Bears board?


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Chicago fans can't possibly be too arrogant. This Bears team is the best thing that has ever happened on the North American Continent. I would say in the whole world, but the birth of Jesus may be serious competition from over the pond. I don't understand why on earth we don't just cancel the season. We are so not worthy to be playing these Bears...soooo not worthy. :devil:

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The Bears are 4-0. Success tends to breed arrogance in football fans. Just wait a year when the Bills start out the season 4-0. Posters will likewise start sounding as if all the Bills need to do to win the game is walk out on the field.

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Roger that. If we were 4-0 right now most of us would be decorating the streets for the Super Bowl victory parade.



Yeah and I doubt the Bears would be chalking up the game as a loss like some Bills fans seem to be ...


... Besides I think we should be 3-1 or 4-0 right now. NO WAY we should have lost that game to the Patriots and if not for about 2 plays, we would have beaten the Jets.

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Roger that. If we were 4-0 right now most of us would be decorating the streets for the Super Bowl victory parade.


Not the Fans from this board, they would be complaining because we didn't dominate the games, or how JP should have thrown for X amount of yards more, or threw too many incomplete passes, Willis danced on a couple plays, TKO said something about a player being benched, or DJ calling a play that he shouldn't have caused it didn't work.


Remember, Buffalo fans love misery and always have to have something to complain about.

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I know what you are all saying, but it is not as if the Bears have just come out of nowhere...they have been doing a very nice job of rebuilding, and showing progress every step of the way...I would never say the Bills have no chance of beating them, just that, assuming the Bears are on their game, the Bills will have to take their game to a level we have not seen yet this season.


The Bears may not be the best team in the NFL (although I would rank them pretty high, definitely the most complete team I have seen so far), they are the best team that the Bills will have played, thus far, this year. If you have seen them this year (my best friend is a Bears fan, I have seen all their games in their entirety, except the Vikings game which I only half followed as it was opposite the Bills game that day), you can't help but be impressed by how relentless their defense plays. They really do play all out, every play, no matter how far ahead they are.


I see the Bills as being very similar to the Bears in a lot of ways....beyond just the Jauron/Fewell connection. The Bears were pretty damn tough to beat in 2005, with Kyle Orton at QB. Grossman is an upgrade to Orton, but is by no means, mistake proof, at this point. I think this will be a real test to see how good the Bills really are, win or lose. I expect both teams to play well (no blow-out either way)...it will be a fun game....

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I would never say the Bills have no chance of beating them, just that, assuming the Bears are on their game, the Bills will have to take their game to a level we have not seen yet this season.


We had 15 penalties against the Vikes and still won. Anyone who thinks we can repeat that level of ineptness and beat Chicago is high.
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We had 15 penalties against the Vikes and still won. Anyone who thinks we can repeat that level of ineptness and beat Chicago is high.


But think of it this way, We had 15 penalties and still beat the Vikes, a team that the bears struggled against and almost lost to.


Of course you aren't going to beat many teams when your penalized 15 times, So that is something the Bills will need to stop, but they still have a good chance of winning this weekend

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Yeah and I doubt the Bears would be chalking up the game as a loss like some Bills fans seem to be ...


... Besides I think we should be 3-1 or 4-0 right now. NO WAY we should have lost that game to the Patriots and if not for about 2 plays, we would have beaten the Jets.


So if we can just ignore our two losses, and ignore the Bears win at Detoit, really...these teams are exactly the same.

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