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My Bills Grades at the Quarter Pole: Offense


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Yeah. Like we need another thread hijacked by this.



Sorry. I just got home, i didn't realize you guys have been fighting the good fight all day against douches like BillsMan06.


Losman is the man though, for real.

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Great post Rubes.


What's all the quibbling with the B-/C+ thing?

I was always under the impression that they were basically the same thing.

IMO....assuming your B- or C+ is correct....you picked the right one with B-.  The offence has been improving, therefore B- fits.  If the offence was regressing, C+ would suit better.....i.e. using the difference between a B- & a C+ as a trend indicator rather than an ability difference.




My father would have disagreed. B- looked better on the card, every time. :devil:

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