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Favorite "South Park" Moments...


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It's really tough to top watching the movie on opening night in a packed theater. Even better, for some reason my brother talks like a canadian, so the "pick on the prime minister because he keeps saying aboot" scene had our entire group laughing and pointing at my brother for a few minutes.

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It's really tough to top watching the movie on opening night in a packed theater.  Even better, for some reason my brother talks like a canadian, so the "pick on the prime minister because he keeps saying aboot" scene had our entire group laughing and pointing at my brother for a few minutes.



"Blame Canada, Blame Canada they're not even a real country anyway"

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Scott Tenorman, definitely. Butter's and the "Some Puerto Rican" and OJ episode :D The Chicken Plucker- with Cartman as the law. What was the one where Cartman and Kenny flee to Mexico in the battery car? The Civil War re-enactment, brought to you by Smoors Schnapps. Too many..."Brown Noise"...how long can this list go... :D

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Chefs parents

The Goth kids

America- !@#$ yeah!  Coming again to save the mother!@#$in day!


Way too many great moments to mention although I do like Pete's list. I'll add the "Awesom-o 2000" episode. Chalk full of funny exchanges between Butters and Cartman. Also the pervert Hollywood movie producer coming on to Awesom-o was a nice scene.

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Butter's and the "Some Puerto Rican" and OJ episode :lol:


My favorite moment in that episode is when Butters phones home from the strip club. Barbrady answers the phone and asks if the caller is "some Puerto Rican guy"

Butter pauses, looks down for a moment and checks himself over to make sure before responding with a "No."

That always gets me.

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"Close your eyes and suck it out of a hose?"





Sea-men + Sea-people = Sea-ciety



Outstanding episode. Another is 'Getting Gay with Kids' when they go to the Rain Forest.


"No, seriously, this place smells like ass. Why don't these people get jobs!"

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"Close your eyes and suck it out of a hose?"



Damn, you beat me to it...


Cartman purchases a product call "Sea Men" (known to you or I as sea monkies). He goes to the sperm bank to collect even more "Sea Men", as, of course, his mom tells him that is where you go to get "Sea Men".. And on his way home gets some extra "Sea Men" when an old guy tells him to close his eyes and suck it out of a hose. After Cartman explains how he does that, the show goes silent, as if its about to go to commercial, and then Stan recites the line you quoted.


By FAR the most tasteless and funniest moment in that shows history.

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Damn, you beat me to it...


Cartman purchases a product call "Sea Men" (known to you or I as sea monkies). He goes to the sperm bank to collect even more "Sea Men", as, of course, his mom tells him that is where you go to get "Sea Men"..  And on his way home gets some extra "Sea Men" when an old guy tells him to close his eyes and suck it out of a hose. After Cartman explains how he does that, the show goes silent, as if its about to go to commercial, and then Stan recites the line you quoted.


By FAR the most tasteless and funniest moment in that shows history.



I like Cartman's speech at the sperm bank better, but that line is easier to remember. Anyway, the internet is a powerful thing:


"Frances, let's talk. I don't want a bunch of bullcrap from you and you don't a bunch of bullcrap from me, right? Where does that get us? Nowhere. The truth is, I'm completely certified to handle sea men, and though I may appear young, I'm one of the leading sea men authorities of the Midwest. Up and comer, you know what I'm saying? I'll have my own business soon and I'll need people to run it. I'm talkin' about you, Frances. And I'm talkin' about a six-figure income. How does that sound?"

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We've all seen them - on the playground, at the store, walking on the streets - they creep us out and make us feel sick to our stomachs. I'm talking of course about... ginger kids.

Ginger kids are born with a disease which causes very light skin, red hair, and freckles. This disease is called Gingervitus, and it occurs because ginger kids have no souls.

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