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Favorite "South Park" Moments...


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Mine has to be in the episode with the Mormon family. At the very end, the Mormon kid tells Stan that he should respect other people's religions. He tells Stan that they can't be friends anymore and adds, for good measure, "Suck my b@!!$".


I was eating when I saw that and nearly spit out my food, I was laughing so hard.


What are your favorite moments from Matt and Trey's Kids?

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Season 1 I think. The kids were trying to breed an elephant with a pig. Of course, the elephant they chose was male and the pig was female. The pig's subsequent squeals led Chef to comment "Now I know how all those white women felt".

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Same episode:  After every explanation of how they got their beliefs, a little ditty would play "dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb".  Did it about 40 times.


Then one of the women had a good idea and they played "smart, smart, smart, smart."  Hilarious.



Good one. I thought that was very funny.

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So many excellent moments - hard to pick favorites.


-I loved Chef's parents and their Loch Ness monster stories - how they hell did Matt and Trey come up with that? Totally random.


-The superhero episode where they are drawn like musclebound action heros and Butters takes a trowing star to the eye - suddenly they snap back to being drawn like normal little kids, Butters has a star in his eye, there's a brief pause of panic and then he starts screaming bloody murder when he realizes what's happened - classic.


-"Fightin' "Round the World with Russel Crowe" when he starts singing and Tugger tries to get away but is tethered to the dock so he pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head - he then capsizes and there's a big oil slick - classic.


-When the cute little forrest creatures start killing and the situation devolves into a blood orgy - damn.


-When Cartman meets Bart Simpson while waiting to see the TV network executives and they compare stories about the worst thing they've ever done. Bart tells of beheading a statue in the center of town, Eric tops that with a story of killing a kid's parents, grinding them up, cooking them as chili and feeding them to the kid (Scott Teneman).


-Eric negotiating over the price of found aborted fetuses - "You bustin' my balls here, Jim, bustin' my balls"


-Butters coming "back from the dead" and going home. His parents chain him in the basement and then kill a curtain saleswoman so "it can feed". At the very end a chained and naked Butters asks, "Uh, can I have some Spaghettios?"

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Two Tablespoons of cinnamon, and 2 or 3 eggwhites

A-Half a stick of butter, meeeelted..

Stick it all in a bowl baby, Stir it with a wooden spoon

Mix in a Cup of Flour, you'll be in heaven soon

Say everybody have you seen my balls?

They're big and salty and brown

If you ever need a quick Pick-me-up

Just stick my balls in your mouth!

Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls,

Stick em in your mouth and suck em!

Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls

They're packed full of vitamins, and good for you,

So suck on My balls!

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When Cartman fakes being handicapped to win the special olympics, and the "Push it to th Limit" song from Scarface playng, and Jimmy taking Steroids. Followed by Jimmy coming clean and calling Bonds, Giambi, and McGwire pussies.

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Prescient Mel Gibson freakout... and Robert Smith saving the world from Mecha-Streisand. I mean, Robert Smith !?! of all people, WTF ? South Park is Dennis Miller for the underwhelmed.



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The ending of "Scott Tenorman must die" is way up there on my list.  The second Tom Cruise walked into Stan's closet is up there too.


Hands down, no doubt my number one South Park moment of all time if the ending to the Scott Tenorman episode.


"Yes! Yes! Oh let me taste your tears, Scott! Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-yummy! My-yummy, you guys!"




Every single moment of Butters interacting with Paris Hilton was classic too in this episode. "Mom! Dad! I love you! Please don't sell me to Paris Hilton!"

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I don't know why but one of my favorite moments was the christmas episode where they do the songs, like Hitler singing O' Tannenbaum, and my favorite, Jesus and Santa singing their holiday songs and Santa goes into Her Name is Rio (I think thats the name of the song) because jesus has so many songs

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Cartman explaining the dangers of the hippie music fest to the town council....."I know hippies, I've hated them all my life".


The 'Sea People' episode where they create the tank with the little people who end up building a momument to worship Cartman.


Pretty much the entire 'Kenny is a Tomato' episode.


Cartman creating a Christian music group.




Such a brilliant show....could go on for hours.

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