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Is it just me or.....

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does it look like McGahee does not have the burst or speed he once had. He was really hitting the holes very slowly. On the one play where he cut up the middle and was caught from behind, he looked very slow. I swear Henry would have gained about 3 or 4 more yds.

I would love to see McGahee run the 40 again to see what his time would be. Have they done this or has anyone clocked him at camp?

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does it look like McGahee does not have the burst or speed he once had.  He was really hitting the holes very slowly.  On the one play where he cut up the middle and was caugth from behind, he looked very slow.  I swear Henry would have gained about 3 or 4 more yds.

I would love to see McGahee run the 40 again to see what his time would be.  Have they done this or has anyone clocked him at camp?



Give him some time. He will.

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I can't figure out if McGahee is actually running slower or if his size just makes it appear that way. on his first run for 22 yards he didn't seem to be "slow" but in later plays he appears to be almost lumbering. I think some of it might just be his size and running style. :w00t:


I watched his touchdown run several time and he clearly didn't have any trouble beating the LB around the corner and the LB had the angle, McGahee just ran by him.


One thing is for sure, the more he plays the more confidence he'll gain and he should get stronger and faster.


I still don't think he's anywhere near 100% and has a long way to go till he's a number one. :doh:

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Trade Henry ! Hurry !  :w00t:


Your observation of MaGahee is correct. He looks like a shadow of his former self. Still a complete unknown whether he fully recovers. We'll see.



I read somewhere that the author felt it wouldn't be until October before we started to see Willis look like his old self.


Having blown out my knee twice, I can say that I wouldn't be surprised if Willis doesn't regain it until next summer, if he does at all. :doh:

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