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How's about the opinions of one of the 11 scientists from the National Academy of Science who was asked to review the basis for the Kyoto Treay? 







You cite two Wall Street Journal articles by Lindzen.


INteresting. First, his data is old (first article you site is 2001 and teh 2006 article is simply Lndzen sticking to his '01 opinion).


Also, Ever ask how LIdzen made so much money (he has made a bit of cash)? He is a paid consultant by big oil and coal.


Here is a counter directly to what Lizden says: Lizden is wrong


Anyone else? How about someone not on big oil's payroll? nice try.


I may not be a meteorologist, but I am a historian and here is what I know. From approximately 1300- 1850 the earth-especially Europe-experienced what is known as theLittle Ice Age. A period in which the average temperatures dropped.


I tend to agree with some who believe that this warming period is part of the Earth's natural cyclical pattern and am somewhat skeptical of many who proclaim the end of the world. It is interesting how many who scream global warming have some vested interest in the crisis

I may not be a meteorologist, but I am a historian and here is what I know. From approximately 1300- 1850 the earth-especially Europe-experienced what is known as theLittle Ice Age. A period in which the average temperatures dropped.


I tend to agree with some who believe that this warming period is part of the Earth's natural cyclical pattern and am somewhat skeptical of many who proclaim the end of the world. It is interesting how many who scream global warming have some vested interest in the crisis


I agree with this, and my point all along. To say LIdzen has interestes in gas and oil, is disingenuous, considering that a lot of the scientists and the spokes people like Al Gore have made tons of money, from litigation, movies, books, speaking fees, etc... And stand to make tons more if Kyoto were passed as businesses would be forced to move industry to offshore underdeveloped countries that have a relatively low pollution count or don't fall under the guidelines. Kyoto would do more to damage our economy with little or no effect on real world reduction in industrial pollutants.

I agree with this, and my point all along.  To say LIdzen has interestes in gas and oil, is disingenuous, considering that a lot of the scientists and the spokes people like Al Gore have made tons of money, from litigation, movies, books, speaking fees, etc... And stand to make tons more if Kyoto were passed as businesses would be forced to move industry to offshore underdeveloped countries that have a relatively low pollution count or don't fall under the guidelines.  Kyoto would do more to damage our economy with little or no effect on real world reduction in industrial pollutants.



The same people that are screaming about global warming work from the same principles as those who screamed about Alar in Washington State apples a number of years ago. However, for those of you with an attention span of more than a few years, what happened to all the scientists who were predicting the next Ice Age back in the 70s? :devil:

I may not be a meteorologist, but I am a historian and here is what I know. From approximately 1300- 1850 the earth-especially Europe-experienced what is known as theLittle Ice Age. A period in which the average temperatures dropped.


I tend to agree with some who believe that this warming period is part of the Earth's natural cyclical pattern and am somewhat skeptical of many who proclaim the end of the world. It is interesting how many who scream global warming have some vested interest in the crisis





And the period before that was marked by a warming trend that enabled the people's (ie: Vikings) to settle "cold" places like Greenland... The "Little Ice Age" sent them back to Scandanavia.


Who knows, maybe there was a NW passage (that they taught will happen soon) 1000 years ago?


IMO... It is the "whole" warming trend... Just as lake elevations have been falling for 1,000s of years. You are gonna see your spikes through the course of time.



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