Marv Levy Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Dear Joe Thiesman, Can you ever, ever please just shut your freakin pie hole for one damn minute? Must you speak about every minute meaningless detail that nobody cares about? Do us all a favor and talk only when spoken to from Mike Tirico or Tony Kornblower from now on and the game will be so much more enjoyable for the whole family. Sincerely, The NFL Nation of Fans
marauderswr80 Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Yeah I tend to agree with you. I dont care for him. I like Tirico, but the other 2 guys just dont belong. I also dont see why you need 3 guys in the booth to do the game. Id like to see Tirico be matched up with Aikman or Simms or someone like that....Theisman drives me crazy. And with Tony Kornheiser in their its like, they desperately need something for Tony to talk about. I feel for Tirico, hes the best out of the 3....but those other 2 just make that crew look bad!
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