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Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice. Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving. :angry:

Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice.  Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.  :angry:


I don't think I've ever seen Cheney's lips move. :angry: He actually does have a sort of ventriloquist's murmur, that out-of-the-side-of-his-mouth manner of speech.

Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece


The problem was that he was listening to ESPN radio.


I heard Bush had his crip sheets up his nose. Everytime he was stumped he picked a bugger with the information he needed on it.


Crip buggers. :devil:


He wasn't wired but he had someone signalling him in the audience. You could clearly see him looking at that person inquisitively more than once, and trying to understand what was being signalled.


Maybe it was Stevie Wonder waving at him.

He wasn't wired but he had someone signalling him in the audience.  You could clearly see him looking at that person inquisitively more than once, and trying to understand what was being signalled.


Maybe it was Stevie Wonder waving at him.




Right. I want to see an alphabet or dictionary of hand signals that's both complex enough to express complex points very quickly, subtle enough to use in a national debate, and simple enough for George W. Bush to comprehend... :devil:

Right.  I want to see an alphabet or dictionary of hand signals that's both complex enough to express complex points very quickly, subtle enough to use in a national debate, and simple enough for George W. Bush to comprehend...  :devil:



Watch the TiVo - you'll see what I mean.

Watch the TiVo - you'll see what I mean.



You have it on TiVo? You mean, the cameras actually caught the hand signals? And the media hasn't broken the story yet? The Kerry Campaign hasn't jumped all over it yet????


More likely, he was just staring into space while his brain, not being developed enough to run both at once, disengaged his ears and engaged his mouth. Occam's razor and all...


If you go to the link provided, both had the bulge on their backs- bulletproof vests. Since reagan being shot, they wear them almost all the time in public.

Geez...Bush was so bad that if indeed he were wearing an earpiece he'd probably be admitting it and blaming Dick Cheney for giving him bad eadvice.  Usually he sits on Dick's lap and Dick's lips are moving.  :lol:





I like the bit when Dick takes a drink of water and GWB's still talking.


How does he do that?!



He wasn't wired but he had someone signalling him in the audience.  You could clearly see him looking at that person inquisitively more than once, and trying to understand what was being signalled.


Maybe it was Stevie Wonder waving at him.



Given Bushies answer, it wouldn't have taken very complex handsignals.


Unfortunately for Bush, the guy giving him the handsignals has a bit of a nervous disorder, which resulted in his hands repeatedly signaling the words, "It's hard. It's hard work."


Looking around his shoulders....Almost looks like he's wearing a bullet proof vest...maybe backwards to keep the front looking normal. ...Just a theory. .... but a wire...the stuff they have now is so small we'd never see that much.

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