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Is this football?

Indy Dave

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Anyone watching the Pats-Bengals game? I'm sorry but an intentional blow to the head should be a personal foul, but that play by the Cincy DB? How is he supposed to hit him in the chest (or whatever) while going at that speed. I don't want anyone ever getting hurt but those kind of vicious hits are part of the game. How many times does Rodney Harrison do the exact same thing and it not get called?

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Yes, but nevertheless a typical Pats game. They win games like this all the time. They are punching the Bengals in the mouth.


During the Bills pre-game, Jeremy White on WGR was going on and on about how the Pats were going to get killed today and how he was excited about watching that after the Bills were done.


If we're lucky, Jeremy will pick the Pats to win the rest of their games and the Bills to lose the rest of the games.

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That particular penalty is the product of delusional minds.



You've gotta be kidding me HD. You seem like a reasonable guy and usually make reasoned arguments, but even you must admit that there is no team that benefits from questionable or outright wrong calls like the New England Patriots. It's just a fact of life that when you play the Pats, you have to beat them and the refs.



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Nice win today. Very impressive.

Thank you, and the same to you. I'm not afraid to admit that I underestimated the Bills. No matter how the season ends for them, they clearly are a team on the rise.


You've gotta be kidding me HD. ...even you must admit that there is no team that benefits from questionable or outright wrong calls like the New England Patriots.

I consider that a falsehood. The Patriots are like any team. Sometimes they get the calls, sometimes they get screwed. Fabricating conspiracy theories is only fit for those with a loser's mentality.

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Uh, MOST of the time they get the calls and rarely do they get screwed.

You are viewing the situation through Bills-colored glasses. You hate the Patriots, so you project negative concepts - like cheating and getting unfair calls - onto them. Believe me, I sometimes do the same thing to the Colts and Steelers. But then I step back and realize that it's beyond foolish to believe that bad calls are anything but instances of innocent official error.

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The Pats-colored glasses are what keep you from seeing the INORDINATE number of calls and non-calls the Pats get in most games.  Not all, but most.

My rational-colored glasses are what allow me to see that all teams get calls that go for and against them every week, in startlingly equal amounts.


Conspiracy theories are dumb.

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Thinking conspiracies don't happen is the hallmark of naivete. Thinking big business (and there aren't many businesses bigger than the NFL) doesn't "conspire" to keep themselves profitable is laughable at best and ignorant at worst.


But hey, don't just take my word for it. You can conduct a poll among most NFL fans and get the same response. That is IF you're as rational as you claim.

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Thinking conspiracies don't happen is the hallmark of naivete.  Thinking big business (and there aren't many businesses bigger than the NFL) doesn't "conspire" to keep themselves profitable is laughable at best and ignorant at worst.

At least think your conspiracy theories out a bit better. How does the NFL become more profitable by helping a team that's won 3 of the past 5 Super Bowls? Competition and parity keep fans interested, not dynasties.

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Conspiracy theories are dumb.



The NFL forces Belichick to wear his hobo sweatshirt because market research shows the league's interest is fading in the homeless man demographic. Look for plastic bags tied around his socks once the weather turns cold and wet...

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