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Mrs T's Pierogy Pocket contest

Just Jack

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Pierogy Pocket Capital contest





SHENANDOAH, Pa. — Everyone knows that Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania and Boston is the capital of Massachusetts. But do Americans know about the capital of the “Pierogy Pocket”? Mrs. T’s, the largest producer of pierogies in the U.S., is going to answer that question this year with its first-ever search for the “Capital of the Pierogy Pocket.”


The “Pierogy Pocket” is an area of the country in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest where pierogy consumption is highest. It spans cities and towns throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, and includes parts of New York, southern New England, and the Mid-Atlantic region. The reason for this region’s propensity for eating pierogies is due to the influx of Eastern European immigrants who settled in the major metropolitan cities throughout this area at the turn of the century. As immigrants spread out across the region, so did pierogy consumption, thus creating the “Pierogy Pocket.”


“For years, this part of the country has consistently consumed more pierogies than the rest of America,” said Gary Lauerman, Director of Sales and Marketing. “So we felt that it was time for us to find the capital of the ‘Pierogy Pocket’ and allow cities to vie for the honor by showing us their pierogy pride.”


Approximately 20 cities and towns throughout this region will compete for the title “Capital of the Pierogy Pocket” for 2006. Participating cities and towns will be asked to demonstrate their “pierogy passion” by submitting at least one tangible example of their enthusiasm, such as a letter from the mayor, anecdotes about their pierogy appetites, or a petition signed by local citizens. All of the nominees vying for the honor will be profiled online so that natives of these cities, as well as people across the country, can cast a vote for the city they feel should win this title.


The winning city or town will be announced in fall 2006 and be awarded $10,000 for a local charitable endeavor of their choice. They will also receive a declaration naming their city or town the “Capital of the Pierogy Pocket” for 2006.


For more information about the competing cities and towns, visit www.pierogypocket.com.

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They're not in the running. The 5 cities you can vote for are....


Buffalo, NY 

Pittsburgh, PA

Garfield, NJ 

Providence, RI

Lancaster, PA


That's hogwash. I buy real pierogies from real Polish and Russian people here. Of course, if this is a Mrs. T's contest, it begins to make sense. <_<

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I voted. I wonder what kind of schmuck set this poll up though? Says you can come back and vote every day.

This person must be a local or certainly some delusional citizen of our state <_<

We can't lose with the voting being ok to rig!

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