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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! ;) Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks

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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! ;)  Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks




My wife's father was (is) a career Marine and has been literally everywhere. Her main regret was that he didnt take them along to some of his deployments, like Japan.

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Girlfriends son just came back from Camp Humphreys after a rather long gig there as an Army Captain.  Seemed to like it, but is happy to get home.  Living in a foreign country can be a great experience.



So move to Miami or San Diego. ;);)

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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! ;)  Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks


I was stationed at Camp Humphreys in 87. If you like whores and drinking by all means go. But there is a lot more to Korea then that, problem is all that whoring and drinking clouded my memory.

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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! ;)  Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks


I was stationed there about 10 years ago. Great time - though I was in the Air Force, not the Army.


Korea is pretty cool.

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My girlfriend's father was in the Army and they lived in Korea for 6 years. Here's her (somewhat disjointed and cryptic-sounding) advice...


-Overall, Korea is beautiful. People always hate it when they first get there but once they have to leave, they miss it immensely.


-Beware of Korean college students--they want us out of their country.


-Don't drive, unless you know how to drive like a maniac (6 years down there, did not see 1 traffic police; Koreans will make a 4 lane road into 10).


-Hailing cabs is just as easy as in NYC and are not expensive.


-Everyone buys off the black market.


-It is generally very safe to live there because the natives are extremely nice and educated. But don't do anything illegal there (they are not very forgiving).


-Koreans think all Americans are rich.


She said if she had the chance to work and live there, she would do it. It's a beautiful country. The coolest thing is that, through the Army, you can fly very cheap to places like Okinawa, Guam, Philippines, Australia and Saipan. You can fly to Yokota Army Base and drive to Tokyo.

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My girlfriend's father was in the Army and they lived in Korea for 6 years.  Here's her (somewhat disjointed and cryptic-sounding) advice...


-Overall, Korea is beautiful.  People always hate it when they first get there but once they have to leave, they miss it immensely.


-Beware of Korean college students--they want us out of their country.


-Don't drive, unless you know how to drive like a maniac (6 years down there, did not see 1 traffic police; Koreans will make a 4 lane road into 10).


-Hailing cabs is just as easy as in NYC and are not expensive.


-Everyone buys off the black market.


-It is generally very safe to live there because the natives are extremely nice and educated.  But don't do anything illegal there (they are not very forgiving). 


-Koreans think all Americans are rich.


She said if she had the chance to work and live there, she would do it.  It's a beautiful country.  The coolest thing is that, through the Army, you can fly very cheap to places like Okinawa, Guam, Philippines, Australia and Saipan.  You can fly to Yokota Army Base and drive to Tokyo.


Thanks man..good info

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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! :D  Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks


My Dad was stationed in Korea while he was in the Army (motor pool). He told me stories about how he hated it when he got there but loved it after a while. He actually offered to re-enlist but only if they guaranteed to keep him stationed in Korea. They couldn't make that guarantee so he walked.

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What a wonderful opportunity for your family! You'd be able to visit some of the Pacific rim countries....especially Australia and New Zealand. This is an opportunity you may not get again and the chance to do it before the kids are in school and you're locked down for 12 years.


I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! :blink:  Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks


It almost doesn't matter what country - living in a foreign country can seriously expose weaknesses, either in a person's character or in a couple's relationship. If you and your wife have your collective sh-- together, you could enjoy the place more than you could've imagined. On the other hand, I've seen people who just needed a little push to go over the edge find it in short order after they walk through immigration and customs.


Two years would not be enough to see all there is to see there. There's post-sponsored tours going to places all over the country pretty much all the time.


I lived near Camp Humpreys from 1983-1994. Back then we used to go down the road from where I lived outside Osan Air Base to Anjong-ni (the town outside Camp Humphreys) for the best BBQ Rib joint in the area, or on post to the Nightowl club, which in the early 80's was the only place in-country you could get a real pizza. Things have changed a lot since then. The countryside I lived in is all high-rise apartment buildings. There's american fast food joints everywhere. The city of Pyongtaek has engulfed everything in between the post and the air base. The 8th Army HQ (in charge of all US Forces Korea) is moving down there from Seoul, so no more small post, sleepy town - it's going to be The Post in a Major City.

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