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Terrell Owens taken to the hospital


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Yes, on that you are correct...I am always amazed, being mindful of the law, how much is released in high profile crime cases, often by police reports.  I am sure there are a ton of lawsuits involving this issue...I don't have any stats, but I am sure medical information released, via police report, is challanged, successfully in court rooms....


I know we are not necessarily talking about a criminal case here, but since we are all just kind of trying to figure out what happened....


You are right, there likely were a lot of witnesses, but nobody who works in the medical field, could legally (unless they have TO's permission) confirm that his stomach pumped.  Any other witnesses, who are not professionals, would be discredited right away...if TO's camp wanted to put the kabosh on the sucide story. 


I am not saying it is right, but that would be the way somehthing like this would play out, I think.  So, for all intents and purposes, TO says he did not have his stomach pumped, so he did not have his stomach pumped, end of story...


Plus he was pretty jovial looking and sounding in that press conference. Again, everything about this makes it impossible for me to believe it was a suicide attempt. He's completely coherent (more than normal even), smiling, practicing, catching balls and running patterns after practice. All this less than a day after he tried to overdose, swallowed 35 pills, was rushed to the hospital, had his stomach pumped, and dealt with all the calls and doctors and police and publicists and agents and friends and family and coaches and teammates and Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones? It's impossible to believe.

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That one is easy to explain. He was told that God was there.



Imagine his disappointment when he discovered God didn't have blue eyes or long flowing hair. Which begs the question, can God make a pill so powerful that he can off himself with it?

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Plus he was pretty jovial looking and sounding in that press conference. Again, everything about this makes it impossible for me to believe it was a suicide attempt. He's completely coherent (more than normal even), smiling, practicing, catching balls and running patterns after practice. All this less than a day after he tried to overdose, swallowed 35 pills, was rushed to the hospital, had his stomach pumped, and dealt with all the calls and doctors and police and publicists and agents and friends and family and coaches and teammates and Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones? It's impossible to believe.



So was lying to the police about him attempting suicide in the original police report his publicist's idea?

TO: Ugh, medicine's really making me woozy.

Publicist: All right, sounds like a boring old adverse reaction to me, how do we spice it up? Hmmmm, I know! I'll lie to the police about having to force a couple pills out of your mouth, we'll flush the rest down the toilet and say you took them all. Then, in the morning, we'll recant and deny the whole thing. At the pressers, I'll act all reticent like I'm hiding something, and you just be TO, okay? That should be good for a couple days on the front of ESPN.


The guy's taking a meal full of supplements, is paid to keep his body in tip-top shape, has nutritionists, trainers and a medical staff at his beck and call, and yet no one is able to say "you know, if you mix A with too much B, it might have some bad effects..." Besides, the guy's been through surgery before, has been through the pain med routine, and suddenly now he's having a reaction for the first time?


Not saying he did, but there's so much counter-spin going on here that it seems at least feasible to me, and not being a medical professional I can't rule out the possibility of counter-agents being able to "normalize" him in such a short time. I can easily see, based on the "suicide attempt" angle resting mostly with the publicist, that she could simply recant and it would be enough to release him rather than holding him. There's just enough wiggle room in my mind to create doubt enough in my mind that I can't use the term "impossible."


Do I give a rat's? Not particularly (i'd be lying if I said absolutely not, or I wouldn't waste the words), just hope he gets help if it is true...

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Plus he was pretty jovial looking and sounding in that press conference. Again, everything about this makes it impossible for me to believe it was a suicide attempt. He's completely coherent (more than normal even), smiling, practicing, catching balls and running patterns after practice. All this less than a day after he tried to overdose, swallowed 35 pills, was rushed to the hospital, had his stomach pumped, and dealt with all the calls and doctors and police and publicists and agents and friends and family and coaches and teammates and Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones? It's impossible to believe.




With all the complaining that happens on this board about TO getting too much attention from the media, this topic shows you exactly why. 9 pages and counting of crap about this guy. Who cares what he does? Everybody loves the contoversy and look at all of you that flock to it - just like what is written and said about this guy on TV and in the papers. I have now joined the rest of you losers that follow everything that jerk does.


How about some Bills talk here?

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With all the complaining that happens on this board about TO getting too much attention from the media, this topic shows you exactly why.  9 pages and counting of crap about this guy.  Who cares what he does? Everybody loves the contoversy and look at all of you that flock to it - just like what is written and said about this guy on TV and in the papers.  I have now joined the rest of you losers that follow everything that jerk does.


How about some Bills talk here?



Okay...you start.... :blink:

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Plus he was pretty jovial looking and sounding in that press conference. Again, everything about this makes it impossible for me to believe it was a suicide attempt. He's completely coherent (more than normal even), smiling, practicing, catching balls and running patterns after practice. All this less than a day after he tried to overdose, swallowed 35 pills, was rushed to the hospital, had his stomach pumped, and dealt with all the calls and doctors and police and publicists and agents and friends and family and coaches and teammates and Bill Parcells and Jerry Jones? It's impossible to believe.



I just had a chance to listen to his complete press conference, and I gotta say, I absolutely agree with you...holding out the possibility that I could be completely wrong. TO does not sound at all like someone who was trying to committ suicide less than 24 hours earlier. In fact, if I was really cynical (and you know I am not! :blink: ) I would be more likely to think this was an amazingly well orchestrated publicity stunt, designed to illicit a sympathetic response. TO's press conference was possibly the best he has come off in a few years, in any public forum.


The only troubling moment, for me (in terms of is TO's story), was when his publicist was asked if she had told police that TO had been depressed. Her response was pretty emphatically "no"...the good follow-up question was "you do realize that the officers making this report are under oath?" She sounded a little stunned and said something like "And I am standing here before you telling you it didn't happen"...


Either way, if I were her, I would have probably said something like, "I may have said that, because I thought he was trying to kill himself, and trying to make sense of it...I mean, who isn't fuggin' depressed?" Instead, she said something tacky like, "He has 25 million reasons not to be depressed".

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