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Terrell Owens taken to the hospital


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To me, what TO says makes sense. What the "suicide attempt" says does not make sense. TO says, basically, that he took a couple (generic term for) "vicodin" earlier in the day, and then "two or three more" later in the day, along with a lot of natural supplements, and he had an allergic reaction. He was groggy, he has no idea what he said to who, and they never pumped his stomach. He may be a total ass. That may or may not be true, but it all makes complete sense to me. Plus, if the hospital did pump his stomach that is easy to find out. there is no way he denies it so vehemently, something so easily checked.


The pumping of the stomach is pretty key, because according to the fire department, they were at TO's house three minutes after the 911 call, and almost immediately got him to the hospital. Who tries to kill themself taking 5 vicodin? If he did take a lot, they would have pumped his stomach. They would almost have to. And Parcells doesn't seem to be worried about this at all. He would know.


Does this mean we have to give up a 3rd?

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And Parcells doesn't seem to be worried about this at all. He would know.


You may be right. Parcells likely would know.


(And he would likely say, "She's OK. She'll be fine.")


But rarely what TO says ever makes sense.


I still think there's some major spin here. TO's a stupid guy who doesn't think things thru - it takes a Rosenscum to point out the cost of TO's antics and stupidity in the only terms TO is capable of understanding - $$$$$


And I'd bet that whatever TO says about this from here forward is carefully scripted by Rosenscum and his spin-team, just like TO's carefully crafted apologies to McNab et al before he got cut by the Eagles.


God, I hope this is the end for TO in Dallas. I think it might be.

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There was a movie I seem to recall from years ago where the lead character was performing in some sport and he got hurt and was knocked out, and everyone rushed out to help him, and they put him on a stretcher and were carrying him out of whatever arena he was in. But then his eyes opened just a bit and he heard everyone cheering for him, so he leans a little to one side so his body rolls off the stretcher and he falls on his ass. Everyone gasped because they thought he was so seriously injured, but he wasn't hurt at all. He was just playing to the crowd.


Still, he got the love and adoration of everyone for something that was never really as bad as it seemed at the time.


Can't remember the movie, but I suspect TO will star in the remake.

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I don't think we can speculate on the diagnosis.  Do you care to speculate how much of a draft pick it would cost us to acquire TO?



If Chris Spielman was traded to the browns for a box of tape, I think TO is worth at least a stationary bike maybe throw in a 2-man blocking sled!

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To me, what TO says makes sense. What the "suicide attempt" says does not make sense. TO says, basically, that he took a couple (generic term for) "vicodin" earlier in the day, and then "two or three more" later in the day, along with a lot of natural supplements, and he had an allergic reaction. He was groggy, he has no idea what he said to who, and they never pumped his stomach. He may be a total ass. That may or may not be true, but it all makes complete sense to me. Plus, if the hospital did pump his stomach that is easy to find out. there is no way he denies it so vehemently, something so easily checked.

The pumping of the stomach is pretty key, because according to the fire department, they were at TO's house three minutes after the 911 call, and almost immediately got him to the hospital. Who tries to kill themself taking 5 vicodin? If he did take a lot, they would have pumped his stomach. They would almost have to. And Parcells doesn't seem to be worried about this at all. He would know.




Actually, this information is not that easily checked. The Health Information Privacy Act, passed about 5 years ago, makes releasing any health information, without the patients approval, a federal offense...assumig they are 18 or older. If TO says his stomach was never pumped, we have to accept it. This has been an issue in NCAA football, even, in the past few years, concerning injury reports. I assume the NFL skirts the issue, by having players sign some sort of document giving their blessing. I am assuming TO did not give this permission, or that he is telling the truth.


I do medical billing for the University of Texas...you would be amazed at how strict these laws are (supposed) to be. If I bill the UT athletics department for medical services on an athlete, I have to have their written permission to release details of the nature of the services, so it can get NCAA approval for payment.

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Actually, this information is not that easily checked.  The Health Information Privacy Act, passed about 5 years ago, makes releasing any health information, without the patients approval, a federal offense...assumig they are 18 or older. If TO says his stomach was never pumped, we have to accept it.  This has been an issue in NCAA football, even, in the past few years, concerning injury reports.  I assume the NFL skirts the issue, by having players sign some sort of document giving their blessing.  I am assuming TO did not give this permission, or that he is telling the truth.


I do medical billing for the University of Texas...you would be amazed at how strict these laws are (supposed) to be.  If I bill the UT athletics department for medical services on an athlete, I have to have their written permission to release details of the nature of the services, so it can get NCAA approval for payment.


That's a good point. However, we are talking about an ER in a hospital, and not a private examination. I would assume, but could be wrong, that if a guy is rushed to a hospital, on a real suicide attempt, and he swallowed 35 vicodins, that they would do it immediately and there would be a lot of people around who would have seen it and known it. It doesn't have to be his doctor coming out with the report. I was talking more about a nosy reporter finding out if Owens indeed had his stomach pumped. I would think that the answer to that yes or no question, in this case, for FOX and CNN and ESPN and CBS, etc, is fairly easy to check out.

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That's a good point. However, we are talking about an ER in a hospital, and not a private examination. I would assume, but could be wrong, that if a guy is rushed to a hospital, on a real suicide attempt, and he swallowed 35 vicodins, that they would do it immediately and there would be a lot of people around who would have seen it and known it. It doesn't have to be his doctor coming out with the report. I was talking more about a nosy reporter finding out if Owens indeed had his stomach pumped. I would think that the answer to that yes or no question, in this case, for FOX and CNN and ESPN and CBS, etc, is fairly easy to check out.




Yes, on that you are correct...I am always amazed, being mindful of the law, how much is released in high profile crime cases, often by police reports. I am sure there are a ton of lawsuits involving this issue...I don't have any stats, but I am sure medical information released, via police report, is challanged, successfully in court rooms....


I know we are not necessarily talking about a criminal case here, but since we are all just kind of trying to figure out what happened....


You are right, there likely were a lot of witnesses, but nobody who works in the medical field, could legally (unless they have TO's permission) confirm that his stomach pumped. Any other witnesses, who are not professionals, would be discredited right away...if TO's camp wanted to put the kabosh on the sucide story.


I am not saying it is right, but that would be the way somehthing like this would play out, I think. So, for all intents and purposes, TO says he did not have his stomach pumped, so he did not have his stomach pumped, end of story...

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