Oneonta Buffalo Fan Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Flashback time! When I went to the Ralph in 2004 during the Bills(hey hey!)-Jets (boo!) game during a class trip from LaSalle in Troy. Only the people who signed up, went of course. We had about 30 people on our trip and we were sitting in section 224. I was so hooked on the game and the fact that it was my first time there and seeing the Bills players play live in fron of my eyes. (You season ticket holders are lucky). However, there was one moment that I will never forget. During, I think it was the 3rd quarter when the Bills were winning some crazy drunked idiot out of section 219 or 220 started walikng along that white roof part seperating the upper sections from the ground sections. crazy dude area This guy was drunk alright and like any drunk dude pulling off that stunt, he fell off the roof top and landed in sections 114 or 115. I took a while for security to reach him. But they did and threw him out of the stadium of course. But that wasn't the only incident a lot of fight broke out especially a huge one in section 122. A lot of Bills fans were taunting Jets fans a big fight broke out. That got everyone's attention. Either way I felt a little unsafe at the Ralph, but I really hope I get the chance to see another game there soon. I miss that atmosphere. Is the Ralph really getting to be a little unsafe?. I'm not saying were like the Raiders fans who I heard get arrested a lot more, but is the security here slipping.
Talonz Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 LSI Cadets said: Is the Ralph really getting to be a little unsafe?. I'm not saying were like the Raiders fans who I heard get arrested a lot more, but is the security here slipping. 786774[/snapback] I eluded to this in an earlier post -- I sat in section 221 for the first time and it will be my last time. I've never seen so much uncivilized behavior in my almost 20 years of going to games. Just some of the highlights: about 5 fights within 100 yards of me, food thrown all over fans below, the 3 couples directly in front of us were so drunk it wasn't even funny -- 2 of the women were grinding the other 4 people, 1 of the women had a shirt that said "squeeze me" and she was letting the others in her group rub her ya yas with 4-5 kids right behind her, security hit me in the back of the head twice rushing down the aisle behind me to break up fights ....I've never heard so many fans call each other colorful things like c*** suc****, pu*****, ass*****, and just about everything else in the book - HUNDREDS OF TIMES.... I could go on and on, but I won't. It was the worst game experience I've ever had and unless I sit in another section with more season ticket holders, I won't be back... Ever....
Lori Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Talonz said: I eluded to this in an earlier post -- I sat in section 221 for the first time and it will be my last time. I've never seen so much uncivilized behavior in my almost 20 years of going to games. Ah, 221. That's where I was in '99, the first year I had my own seasons. Now you know why I moved. Sounds like things haven't changed...
RuntheDamnBall Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Its football. Get over it. 786806[/snapback] Not so. Vomiting on, fighting with, and cursing out your neighbors, your fellow Bills fans, is not football. It's hooliganism, it's stupid, and it's uncalled for, and it has no place at RWS or any stadium for that matter. People who want to ruin a good time, for those who paid good money, should be shipped off to some frat bar where they can hang out with and beat on all the fellow a--holes they like. Let people who want to watch football enjoy it.
ThePebble19 Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Not sure if they do this in Buffalo, but I have seen it in baseball, in Baltimore...If you come to the game and are the designated driver, you can go to a stand and get a wristband that will give you free soda all game long. With the band on, you cannot order any alcohol. This is a good idea, I think, but the last time I was in Buffalo for a game, we sat in front of a guy who had snuck a bottle of rum in the stadium in his jacket, and was mixing it in his giant souvenier soda all game long...needless to say, by the end of the game, he was really, really, rediculously drunk...A scary thought with as many altercations as it seems there was yesterday, that security could be bad enough to allow someone a glass bottle in the stadium that could be used as a weapon. I love going to live football games, and I have been to Buffalo for games many, many times. But it is the kind of people who drink so much they vomit on others, and get so riled up that they start fights not only with opposing fans (who in many cases were being quiet all game long) but the home teams fans, that keep me from bringing my wife or kids to a live game. A shame, a real shame.
MDH Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Its football. Get over it. 786806[/snapback] What the hell does football have to do with the things people are complaining about? Since there's a football game going on its okay to do the things listed? A football game isn't a good place to take your kids? Or be able to watch a game without the fear that someone is going to throw beer on your or pick a fight? Whatever, its attitudes like this that lead to such behavior.
Oneonta Buffalo Fan Posted September 26, 2006 Author Posted September 26, 2006 LSI Cadets said: When I went to the Ralph in 2004 during the Bills-Jets (boo!) game during a class trip from LaSalle in Troy. Only the people who signed up, went of course. We had about 30 people on our thip and we were sitting in section 224. I was so hooked on the game and the fact that it was my first time there and seeing the Bills players play live in fron of my eyes. (You season ticket holders are lucky). However, there was one moment that I will never forget. During, I think it was the 3rd quarter when the Bills were winning some crazy drunked idiot out of section 219 or 220 started walikng along that white roof part seperating the upper sections from the ground sections. Crazy dude area This guy was drunk alright and like any drunk dude pulling off that stunt, he fell off the roof top and landed in sections 114 or 115. I took a while for security to reach him. But they did and threw him out of the stadium of course. But that wasn't the only incident a lot of fight broke out especially a huge one in section 122. A lot of Bills fans were taunting Jets fans a big fight broke out. That got everyone's attention. Either way I felt a little unsafe at the Ralph, but I really hope I get the chance to see another game there soon. I miss that atmosphere. 786836[/snapback] I forgot to mention that about 4 Jets fans and 3 Bills fans were kicked out of the stadium for starting the fight.
Lori Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Its football. Get over it. 786806[/snapback] Umm, no. Football is played on the field. What some previous posters have described as taking place in the stands is asshattery, pure and simple, and deserves to be 'rewarded' with a trip to Orchard Park Town Court. Not too many gameday experiences suck worse than missing part of the game because the drunken frat brats right in front of you decide to start a knock-down, drag-out brawl with the equally-inebriated fellow Bills fans sitting right beside them, as happened during my last game in Section 221. JMO... and the reason I now have the Guest Services Gameday Hotline (716-312-8933) on speed-dial.
Buftex Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Back in 1999 (or was it 98?), I went with three of my brother in-laws, and my brother, to see the Bills play the Chargers. We sat way up top, in the corner opposite the score-board. My brother, myself and one of my brother in-laws are huge Bills fans. One of my other brother in-laws is a huge Chiefs fan, and my other brother in-law, loathes sports...he is a little "arty" if you know what I mean. A great photographer. He wanted to go, mostly as a sociology study, it seems, and as an excuse to take photos. Anyway...the crowd was awful. There was constant fighting, pretty over the top language, all in all, a pretty hostile enviorment. Stuff flying through the air. It wasn't just our section either...I have been back for 4 games since, and try not to make it a family affair any more. I felt bad for the families that were stuck in the middle of it all. My brother (who, I hate to say it, is kind of an a-hole) got arrested. My souvnier of the game came months later, in the mail, when my photographer brother in-law sent me a framed 11x17, black and white photo of my brother being lead away by stadium security. I voewed I would never go to a game with my brother again. I haven't broke my vow...the Bills won that day, I can't even imagine how much worse it might have been if they had lost.
daquixers_is_back Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 MDH said: What the hell does football have to do with the things people are complaining about? Since there's a football game going on its okay to do the things listed? A football game isn't a good place to take your kids? Or be able to watch a game without the fear that someone is going to throw beer on your or pick a fight? Whatever, its attitudes like this that lead to such behavior. 786842[/snapback] Lori said: Umm, no. Football is played on the field. What some previous posters have described as taking place in the stands is asshattery, pure and simple, and deserves to be 'rewarded' with a trip to Orchard Park Town Court. Not too many gameday experiences suck worse than missing part of the game because the drunken frat brats right in front of you decide to start a knock-down, drag-out brawl with the equally-inebriated fellow Bills fans sitting right beside them, as happened during my last game in Section 221. JMO... and the reason I now have the Guest Services Gameday Hotline (716-312-8933) on speed-dial. 786881[/snapback] Well I can honestly see both sides. I can see the family aspect of it and I can also see the pumped up, rowdy side of it. I like seeing my nephew enjoy a game, but then again I also get pumped hearing the "this is our house" commercials ... so when Bills fans get on Opponents fans, I dont really mind. This is our house. Period. Thats the way I feel. Whether Lori or others agree or not, I am not going to make a big deal out of it and get angry. I just feel the way I feel. P.S. Another side of this is to share the love that Jesus does. Its tough to do sometimes though.
Talonz Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 daquixers_is_back said: Well I can honestly see both sides. I can see the family aspect of it and I can also see the pumped up, rowdy side of it. I like seeing my nephew enjoy a game, but then again I also get pumped hearing the "this is our house" commercials ... so when Bills fans get on Opponents fans, I dont really mind. This is our house. Period. Thats the way I feel. Whether Lori or others agree or not, I am not going to make a big deal out of it and get angry. I just feel the way I feel. P.S. Another side of this is to share the love that Jesus does. Its tough to do sometimes though. 786904[/snapback] Maybe when you're just a TAD older you'll feel differently.... Let me give you another example of what happened the first five minutes we were in our seats: This GIANT guy in front of us, I'm talking 400 lbs + was sitting in the wrong seat. This guy came up that was pretty stacked but only weighted about 190lbs with a nice looking date / wife with him. He just said to the guy " hey dude, I think you're in my seat" . Instead of being HUMAN about it, he jumps up and acts like he is going to beat down the guy, embarasses this guy in front of his date for no reason, and walks away saying " you punk as* b*tch, you look at me, blah blbha lbha lbhah" .... Yes, that was the first 5 minutes... What does FOOTBALL have to do with that? How can there be two sides to an event like that? Trust me, that was mild compared to the rest of the game...
Shamrock Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Talonz said: Maybe when you're just a TAD older you'll feel differently.... Let me give you another example of what happened the first five minutes we were in our seats: This GIANT guy in front of us, I'm talking 400 lbs + was sitting in the wrong seat. This guy came up that was pretty stacked but only weighted about 190lbs with a nice looking date / wife with him. He just said to the guy " hey dude, I think you're in my seat" . Instead of being HUMAN about it, he jumps up and acts like he is going to beat down the guy, embarasses this guy in front of his date for no reason, and walks away saying " you punk as* b*tch, you look at me, blah blbha lbha lbhah" .... Yes, that was the first 5 minutes... What does FOOTBALL have to do with that? How can there be two sides to an event like that? Trust me, that was mild compared to the rest of the game... 786914[/snapback] should I keep training in the gym for the November 5 game?
Bill from NYC Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Security is doing what it is paid to do, enforce the NYS smoking laws. If little cablelady lit up a cigarette by the concession stand, 5 security guards would probably kick the sh-- out of her and toss her in jail, while others are fighting, throwing objects, and puking on each other.
cåblelady Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Bill from NYC said: Security is doing what it is paid to do, enforce the NYS smoking laws. If little cablelady lit up a cigarette by the concession stand, 5 security guards would probably kick the sh-- out of her and toss her in jail, while others are fighting, throwing objects, and puking on each other. 786936[/snapback] Damn. I should have tried that. There were at least 5 hot security guards down there. They did let me take a noisemaker in. They just told me to tuck it in my purse.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 You know, I've seen this issue literally on both sides. I think it's an age and maturity thing. I used to get absolutely WRECKED before games, and I'm sure I was involved in more than a few verbal confrontations, though none that I can remember with any BILLS fans. But now that I'm a bit older and a parent, I've either cut back completely or severely restricted my drinking before and/or during games, and I see what complete idiocy these drunken tards induce. I was VERY worried that the end-zone near our section was going to break out into a total riot. I'm never going to tell someone NOT to drink before a game, that would be hypocritical. But I wish people would use their heads about it. The games are starting to look like those in the mid 80s.
KCNC Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 Lori said: Umm, no. Football is played on the field. What some previous posters have described as taking place in the stands is asshattery, pure and simple, and deserves to be 'rewarded' with a trip to Orchard Park Town Court. Not too many gameday experiences suck worse than missing part of the game because the drunken frat brats right in front of you decide to start a knock-down, drag-out brawl with the equally-inebriated fellow Bills fans sitting right beside them, as happened during my last game in Section 221. JMO... and the reason I now have the Guest Services Gameday Hotline (716-312-8933) on speed-dial. 786881[/snapback] Thanks for providing that number. I am bringing my wife/kids up there from NC for the Green Bay game in Nov. I will be quick to call that number if that kind of crap happens near me and my family.
taterhill Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 JoeSixPack said: You know, I've seen this issue literally on both sides. I think it's an age and maturity thing. I used to get absolutely WRECKED before games, and I'm sure I was involved in more than a few verbal confrontations, though none that I can remember with any BILLS fans. But now that I'm a bit older and a parent, I've either cut back completely or severely restricted my drinking before and/or during games, and I see what complete idiocy these drunken tards induce. I was VERY worried that the end-zone near our section was going to break out into a total riot. I'm never going to tell someone NOT to drink before a game, that would be hypocritical. But I wish people would use their heads about it. The games are starting to look like those in the mid 80s. 786965[/snapback] lol..describes me exactly...
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