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Gentlemans Club


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My wife and I just busted out in laughter when we passed by the "Climax Gentlemans Club, Drive Thru" here in western PA!


Saturday we packed the kids in the truck for a shopping trip in Pittsburgh. Traveling west on SR 22 we had just past one of the many adult stores found along the highways and byways of the Keystone state and we're wondering aloud, if the folks in PA (we are now folks from PA) are really horny, just honest about their sexual lit wants or havent discovered the internet. So as we are discussing this PA social thingy we come up on the Climax Gentlemans club, funny, considering what we were just talking about, but nothing could have prepared us for the the next sign.........DRIVE THRU......The Climax has a drive through!!! We were laughing so hard I nearly had to pull off the road, the kids wanted to know what was so funny, it was just plain brutal.



Question??? What exactly happens at a gentlemans club drive thru? Does she dance in a window? Do you put dollar bills in a little tube and send it into the building via a vacuum? (I know too easy) Does she hop in the front seat with you? I really don't have a clue, ideas welcomed.



For those looking.......PA State Route 22 about 30 miles east of Pitt.

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