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Someone really said this....


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"It does demonstrate that it is possible to have a mediocre running game and win consistently when you have a mediocre QB like a Joe Montana or a Tom Brady. Chad Pennington being superior to both of those QB's makes our opportunity that much greater." said by SAR I on the jets board







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Nothing tops one of my best friends quotes (a die hard Jets fan)




"I look at it this way, The Jets will EASILY manhandle the Bills. I'll give it to their offense, because it's all they have. The Bills defense has NO pass rush, and if not for their run-stopping game and ridiculous ammount of interceptions, they'd be crap! The offense is all I'm worried about, I expect it to be a high scoring game, but the Jets will DOMINATE the Bills (explitive deleted) defense"


I just stared in surprise. What an idiot.

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Nothing tops one of my best friends quotes (a die hard Jets fan)




"I look at it this way, The Jets will EASILY manhandle the Bills.  I'll give it to their offense, because it's all they have.  The Bills defense has NO pass rush, and if not for their run-stopping game and ridiculous ammount of interceptions, they'd be crap! The offense is all I'm worried about, I expect it to be a high scoring game, but the Jets will DOMINATE the Bills (explitive deleted) defense"


I just stared in surprise.  What an idiot.



With idiot friends like that . . .

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Between this

Nothing tops one of my best friends quotes (a die hard Jets fan)




"I look at it this way, The Jets will EASILY manhandle the Bills.  I'll give it to their offense, because it's all they have.  The Bills defense has NO pass rush, and if not for their run-stopping game and ridiculous ammount of interceptions, they'd be crap! The offense is all I'm worried about, I expect it to be a high scoring game, but the Jets will DOMINATE the Bills (explitive deleted) defense"


I just stared in surprise.  What an idiot.


and this:


"It does demonstrate that it is possible to have a mediocre running game and win consistently when you have a mediocre QB like a Joe Montana or a Tom Brady. Chad Pennington being superior to both of those QB's makes our opportunity that much greater." said by SAR I on the jets board



I think I've now read the two worst football quotes of my entire life.

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Nothing tops one of my best friends quotes (a die hard Jets fan)




"I look at it this way, The Jets will EASILY manhandle the Bills.  I'll give it to their offense, because it's all they have.  The Bills defense has NO pass rush, and if not for their run-stopping game and ridiculous ammount of interceptions, they'd be crap! The offense is all I'm worried about, I expect it to be a high scoring game, but the Jets will DOMINATE the Bills (explitive deleted) defense"


I just stared in surprise.  What an idiot.



Well, at least he's done his homework. 0:):)

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AHHH jets fans are always good for a laugh. My old roomate Rob from Brooklyn was incredible for a laugh. we kept a quote board for all the random stuff we said, and most of it was from him when he was high.


For example: he sees jimmy johnson on tv "Whoa, it looks he has spemicide in his hair"



Rob: Travis Henry sucks, he can't get a hundred yards against the Jets.

Me: Yeah, Rob. I hate to tell you, he already has over a 100 yards and he got over a 100 yards last year in the season opener against you guys.

(a few seconds later)

Rob: He has a hundred yards already? What quarter is it?

Me: Its the fourth and the Bills are winning by a lot

Rob: Sh** I gotta stop smoking up.

(he goes into his room and burns another one)


I love intelligent Jet fans like that

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I spent some time the other day at a Jets message board and was at first treated OK, but after a while the incredible ignorance was overwhelming and I had to leave. One guy kept saying that he was trying to have an intellegent conversation but refused to use any amount of logic when grading the Bills. He was probably the smartest one I spoke to. Most of the others were just plain rude, derisive and stupid. I was going to go back after ther game to talk some smack, but I just plain don't respect them enough to bother now.

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