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My Neighbor (s)


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I have some real extreme neighbors.


On one side I have neighbors that are gay activists and have large sex parties and orgies at their house. A lot of naked people milling around in the back yard. They had a big orgy this past Saturday night actually.


Across the street the neighbor thinks he is Grand Master Flash and mixes loud bass music in his garage.


Down from me is a neighbor we just call the witch. She spies on us and has caused numerous problems when she dug away the hill side in her back yard with out permits causing my backyard to collapse into her backyard. It took the city and my neighbor two years too restore the hillside with a retaining wall. And this twerp has the balls to complain I encroached on her property line after the hillside was restored. I told her to never speak to me again and if she needs to communicate with me to contact my attorney in writing.


Neighbors ! You can have them !

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Down from me is a neighbor we just call the witch. She spies on us and has caused numerous problems when she dug away the hill side in her back yard with out permits causing my backyard to collapse into her backyard. It took the city and my neighbor two years too restore the hillside with a retaining wall. And this twerp has the balls to complain I encroached on her property line after the hillside was restored. I told her to never speak to me again and if she needs to communicate with me to contact my attorney in writing.



Tell me that she paid for the reconstruction, and not the city...

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It's not so much an issue of whether the neighbor is doing the work for you --- it verges on squatter's rights. If you allow that, there's many people who won't hestiate to plant things there, or park their car there, or.... The issue is that it's your property, not theirs.


My uncle had a similar problem w/ neighbors mowing into his yard. One day while he was mowing and the neighbors were out in their yard, he veered off into their perfectly-cut, straight-line lawn, did a squiggly line across, did a loop and steered back and finished his own yard. What was so funny is he did it very nonchalantly. 'Course, he's a Vietnam vet on full mental disability, so not caring and being a little lot crazy helps insofar as potential repercutions.


You should've seen the look on the neighbors' faces. :angry:


My neighbor is a lipstick-and-makeup state trooper with a great posterior. She can do whatever she wants. :blush:



Once, my dad's neighbors put two really nice shrub-beds in, one on both of the front yard corners. The landscapers extended one of the beds over the property line. So, my dad being the genial guy he is, went out, tore out all the stuff on his side of the line and threw it into their yard. Then he stuck a bunch of old ski-poles on the line so that the same mistake was not made twice.

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Once, my dad's neighbors put two really nice shrub-beds in, one on both of the front yard corners. The landscapers extended one of the beds over the property line. So, my dad being the genial guy he is, went out, tore out all the stuff on his side of the line and threw it into their yard. Then he stuck a bunch of old ski-poles on the line so that the same mistake was not made twice.


Damn, like father... :blush:

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The fat chicks that live underneath us moved out.  :)

Just thought I would contribute to the thread.



When I was a kid, prolly 10 or so, we had some neighbors across the street. The father and son were both rail thin. The mother and oldest daughter (high school age) were fat tubs of goo (at least 250lbs each) and the youngest daughter (elementary school age) was plump also


Anyways, the oldest daughter, a fat tub of goo, was on her schools flag team. She would go out front of her house in short shorts and a tight shirt and practice :D

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