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I know there is a thread about the state aid already and I don't usually start posts, but if there is anyone at OBD who reads this, the worst part of the stadium experience is the horrible sound system. That's where improvements should start, IMO. I sit at the fifty on the north side, and we can't hear a damn thing said over the PA. "Loss of two on the play" shouldn't lead to someone to asking me "who lost a tooth on the play?".


Baltimore has an awsome sound system and it is no doubt a homefield advantage. HD screens? Fine, but we already have the action live on the field. It would be nice if we could hear who got credit for the tackle instead of garbled nonsense.


A new sound system would be great, but to some extent this would be trying to make a silk purse from a sow[s ear or putting a V-8 engine in a Studebaker. It would be a great sound system in an old stadium which does not have 20 years of advances in Stadium design and building advances beyond the retrofits they could kludge into the stadium when they took out a bunch of fan seats to make luxury boxes because Ralph could fnce this revenue off from splitting it with his partners. the NFLPA.


As with real estate generally, the big ticket is about location, location and location.


Under most circumstances the studies indicate that sports facilities are not as good an exonomic development tool as other investments in the public commons such as parks, beaches etc. However, Buffalo's down town as hit such a rock bottom in terms of economic activity, it actually is not hard to do better from any form of development hich attracts people.


Buffalo has a threshhold problem that as many folks have escaped the City and different people than they grew up with in its ethnic communities, they have not even been in the City for years. A newsmedia which sells its commercials with a motto of if it bleeds it leads, have reinforced the specter of the City being a dangerous place (there are in fact more murders in Buffalo than in Amherst, but generally killers know their victims and it is not Iraq as far as dangerous places go).


If NYS is going to send a chunk of change west from the population centers of NYC, and public investments in development are not going to go toward better investments in the public commons like beaches, parks, etc. then as a Bills lover I m happy to see money spent studpidly spent on something stupid I like.


NYS should fun a stadium authority which builds a stadium or the Bills which will provide an anchor for peripheral development.


A football stadium is a lousy development investment as it only draws crowds for sure 8 times a year plus exhibitions and any playoff home games.


However, if the authority also sells bonds to fund the building of homes for the peripheral development (I would prefer to this and give the Bills sole use of the stadium which will simply sit there most of the year, but negotiating with them for use of the facility for concerts and other things is too much of a hassle since they are idiots so just give them the stadium and build other facilities for mixed use and control them. it would be more efficient to build a mixed used stadium but dealing with the Bills o give them their cut would be such a hassle it is worth giving them sole use of a facility built for them even tough it would be inefficient).


A new sound system would be great but it should be part of a new stadium. Getting an initial offer from Pataki as he exits stage left is great as the Bills will not have to spend extortion chits with Spitzer to merely get the issue on the table.


If the Bills can trigger a bidding war in the governor's race that would be good strategy, but Spitzer appears to be a blow-out winner and he may not bite. However, local elected officials and candidates will put a lot of preesure oh nim to bite so that the Dems are looked at as a party for WNY.


In the longrun, Spitzer likely will see the potential to get a bunch offolks to come to the polls and vote for him and the Dems so he likely would bite anyway.


We will see,


How much could a great new sound system cost? One million? Then take 19 million and build new luxury boxes. It's more lucrative for the new owner and does the best job of keeping the Bills in Buffalo.


You want to keep the Bills in Buffalo, eh?


I say take the $20 million and begin planning for a combo downtown Stadium & Convention Center near the new proposed Casino, Bass Pro, etc... take the plans from the JETS and built in Buffalo.




The money needs to go to ensure that the Bills will remain economically competitive. Sound systems and video boards are comfort items but a ribbon advertising board brings in money. The current video board brings in dollars but would a better one bring in more?


I beg to differ.


I believe that the sports in WNY are a great asset to the states economy. It's been proved over and over again that the Bills and Sabres fans are some of the best in the world, and that with this truth, they are a key asset to the lives of WNY. If the Bills are questionable in WNY, then many people will seriously be affected by it. It's a place where families goes on weekends and weeknights, it's when I get to see my uncle more often, and I can't think of a better place I'd like to go than Ralph Wilson.


The Buffalo Bills are a key to this economy, so I have no quarrels with state funding, but yes, it should go to keeping this team here.

Don't mean to turn this into a PPP thread, but IMO the state should not be funding an NFL franchise




I agree that publiv dollars should go for public things you do not have to pay for beyond your taxes beyond a operation, maintenance and upkeep fee (the occaisional two or three dollar fee for a park camping permit or a hunting license fee for examplw), Paying public money to a private enterprise is essentially corporate welfare for the rich.


However, one of the failings of our capitalist society is the Golden Rule, namely that he who has the gold rules and the payment of corporate welfare has become the norm in our society where capital holders pay for politicians to run campaigns callin for lower taxes and then they use that tax money to give various breaks, grants and perks to attract industry to move to the area.


The studies show generally it actually is far more effecient economically to spend public money on pulblic amenties from infrasteucture like parks and beaches and operation costs like trash collection and public safety, However, it is simply the way of the world to try to improve the corporate welfare spending because we ain;t gonna wipe it out.


As a football fan and Bills worshipper my preference for corporate welfare is to see NYS tax dollars which come from the people (the population is much larger in NYC) it go to WNY and the Bills. it ain't right but it is reality.

I bet that you could install a good sound system for around 50K.

Does everything always have to be about money to the detriment of quality??????


You would lose that bet. You'd have to hire acoustical consultants that would cost 50K easy. And running long, heavy audio cable across the stadium ain't cheap either.


I'd say Kelly's projection of a million is probably right on, if you really want it done right and tuned correctly so that it's loud enough but not killing people by being louder at the wrong frequencies. Every space with a public address system needs to be have the PA tuned to the space. A large, often windy open air stadium creates tons of acoustical issues and that's why you get feedback, crazy delays when there are mics onfield, etc.


One day, I will migrate from VA to go see a Bills game in person and I will be able to speak on such things. One day 0:)

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