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Milestones for Mile High

Mile High

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Well last Saturday was my birthday and the only one to wish me a Happy Birthday on this board was Mead.  Thanks Mead youdaman.  Last year at least someone started a thread.....  J/K J/k.  Anyway, the day was so perfect and I don't usually get into my personal life on a message board, but I thought I'd kinda share the day with you, my internet peeps.  The lady and I went out to her "camp" that her family owns up here in the Adirondacks and we spent the entire day out there.  Started the day off right with a bottle of nice wine and kind of set the tone.  We later fished off the dock then canoed around a little bit while enjoying the mountain views. 

The next part got kinda tricky because she didn't know what was to come.  I stayed on the dock while she went up to cook us dinner and told her I would be fishing until darkness settled in.  So she went up the path, while I ran around preparing everything.  The walk to the house from the lake to the house is about 100 or so yards up the path.  Now was the time.  I set up 50 votives all the way up the path.  Grabbed the champagne from the lake that I stashed there earlier in the day and hid it behind the boat.  Then, I went up to the house to ensure she didn't suspect anything.  And well she didn't.  Then I went back down to the dock.  Luckily I had cell phone service so I called her at the house and had her come down.  I told her people were lost on the lake and needed her direction.  It worked!

Moving one single chair to the middle of the dock, I waited for her, with candels all around and the moon slowly rising, she came into view with tears of joy.  I then asked her to sit down and told her I spoke with her father.  I then got down on one knee and held her hand lightly.  Telling her that this would be the best birthday present of all, I contuned on to ask for her hand in marriage.  She accepted.

This was the single best day of my life.  My father told me when I was a boy that when you find the "person" you'll know.  And he was right.  This woman is the reason for my being and I thank god for her everyday. 


A day to remember and I'm the luckiest man alive.



:)0:) !


Sorry, man, but it's hard to take this seriously after looking at your profile pic!

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:)  0:) !


Sorry, man, but it's hard to take this seriously after looking at your profile pic!


The jugs in my proflile are a good luck charm. :doh:


:doh: Yeah I here ya. I should put a picture of me and the honey up. Or just the honey!

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You do realize that you have to be able to top your proposal production every year don't you? You can't hit the grand slam on your first at bat. Take it from me, I started out with a wiff and have been slowly building since. After 22 years I finally out a bunt single last year. This year I'm going for a bloop single.


Really a nice thing you did, I just hope your creative juices keep flowing.

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Congrats!! You two will always remember this!  :)


Have fun with the wedding planning (I want to shoot myself right now).  :D  :P


Yeah she already started planning. And we have a date and a site picked out (September 8th 2007). When's your big day Ed?

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Well last Saturday was my birthday and the only one to wish me a Happy Birthday on this board was Mead.  Thanks Mead youdaman.  Last year at least someone started a thread.....  J/K J/k.  Anyway, the day was so perfect and I don't usually get into my personal life on a message board, but I thought I'd kinda share the day with you, my internet peeps.  The lady and I went out to her "camp" that her family owns up here in the Adirondacks and we spent the entire day out there.  Started the day off right with a bottle of nice wine and kind of set the tone.  We later fished off the dock then canoed around a little bit while enjoying the mountain views. 

The next part got kinda tricky because she didn't know what was to come.  I stayed on the dock while she went up to cook us dinner and told her I would be fishing until darkness settled in.  So she went up the path, while I ran around preparing everything.  The walk to the house from the lake to the house is about 100 or so yards up the path.  Now was the time.  I set up 50 votives all the way up the path.  Grabbed the champagne from the lake that I stashed there earlier in the day and hid it behind the boat.  Then, I went up to the house to ensure she didn't suspect anything.  And well she didn't.  Then I went back down to the dock.  Luckily I had cell phone service so I called her at the house and had her come down.  I told her people were lost on the lake and needed her direction.  It worked!

Moving one single chair to the middle of the dock, I waited for her, with candels all around and the moon slowly rising, she came into view with tears of joy.  I then asked her to sit down and told her I spoke with her father.  I then got down on one knee and held her hand lightly.  Telling her that this would be the best birthday present of all, I contuned on to ask for her hand in marriage.  She accepted.

This was the single best day of my life.  My father told me when I was a boy that when you find the "person" you'll know.  And he was right.  This woman is the reason for my being and I thank god for her everyday. 


A day to remember and I'm the luckiest man alive.
































Good luck to both of you! :D

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Yeah she already started planning.  And we have a date and a site picked out (September 8th 2007).  When's your big day Ed?



March 18, 2007.


You're gonna crap yourself when you see how much some crap costs. We had DJ's who were quoting us $2k for 5 hours. At that point, I was ready to hook up my IPod and put it on shuffle! :D


Seriously, shop around, and check references. There are always deals to be had!

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Yeah she already started planning.  And we have a date and a site picked out (September 8th 2007).  When's your big day Ed?


That's opening weekend of the NFL. At least you picked a Saturday so you can still see the games on Sunday.

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March 18, 2007.


You're gonna crap yourself when you see how much some crap costs. We had DJ's who were quoting us $2k for 5 hours. At that point, I was ready to hook up my IPod and put it on shuffle!  ;)


Seriously, shop around, and check references. There are always deals to be had!



Maybe you shouldn't have taken the sport package on the Fit... ;):(


No but seriously, doesn't the envelope usually cover the costs? Or is that only in Italian and Greek weddings :(

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Maybe you shouldn't have taken the sport package on the Fit...  ;):(


No but seriously, doesn't the envelope usually cover the costs?  Or is that only in Italian and Greek weddings ;)



Yeah, they definately should. Plus, her parents are paying for the reception, so...


Let's put it this way. Come March 19, a new 60 inch Plasma HD will be sitting in my living room! :(

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Yeah she already started planning.  And we have a date and a site picked out (September 8th 2007).  When's your big day Ed?



When she asks your opinion on anything related to the wedding, never ever ever say, "I don't care", "It doesn't matter to me", or "Whatever you want" ;)


Anything you say will be wrong, but those three answers will bring her to tears or get your throat ripped out. ;)


Congrats, and Best wishes.

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