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Dang it....Sunday's forecast


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This may be a stupid question but does Buffalo get most there weather from Michigan a day after or so? Just curious because seems like most the time I was dumped with snow you guys were REALLY dumped with snow. The local Michigan weather man said we will see some bad weather Saturday evening with the potential for Tornado's and severe T-Storms.

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Updated forecast is calling for showers early, T-Storms late. HIGH WIND WARNING. Winds of 25 to 30 MPH gusting to 40+. Better bring nails to nail down everything at the tailgates. Forget the passing & kicking games tommorrow.


Thanx, buddy. 0:)

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I live in Chicago, and my parents and in laws are in Buffalo. Its safe to say that the weather we get today, Buff gets tomorrow (jet stream wise) holds, pretty, much true. We got a couple of the biggest rainstorms I have seen in a long time here today! It will be interesting to see what happens in the game if that volume of rain hits during the game tomorrow. We gotta get that run game goin!


These were SERIOUS downpours for about an hour a piece.

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Why do you say that.  The jets might have not shown their running game yet. But with bad weather that might be their ideal ploy considering that we have not YET stopped the Run.  Our run defense showed better stats against Miami, only because Mularkey ran Ronnie Brown twice in the 2nd half.  Mangini will try to run the ball and take time of the clock. 


I think this game is going to come down to how good our team is going to STOP THE RUN.


Good point. I'd like to think our run defense would improve as the team learned the new system and that we are at home. Hopefully they can be stouter at the point of attack

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