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Fitness heads, I need your advice....

The Poojer

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Poojer, I have an unorthodox suggestion for you. Try frisbee golf. Seriously. 'Frolfing' is availabe in 6 local parks as well as in over 1000 across the country. The one I play is here in Chestnut Ridge. It's about a 2 hour 2 and half mile walk up and down through the ravines. I've lost 30 pounds this summer playing almost every day. Not to lie, I also started paying a little more attention to what I eat and working out once or twice a week. Yet, I truly believe the frisbee golf has helped me tone up my body tremendously.


Not to mention it's totally challenging and a boat load of fun.


Another gentlemen I know began gofling. He's lost almost 50 lbs in the past 6 months walking 18 holes everyday with his own clubs.


Hope it helps.


The Real

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Poojer, I have an unorthodox suggestion for you.  Try frisbee golf.  Seriously.  'Frolfing' is availabe in 6 local parks as well as in over 1000 across the country.  The one I play is here in Chestnut Ridge.  It's about a 2 hour 2 and half mile walk up and down through the ravines.  I've lost 30 pounds this summer playing almost every day.  Not to lie, I also started paying a little more attention to what I eat and working out once or twice a week.  Yet, I truly believe the frisbee golf has helped me tone up my body tremendously. 


Not to mention it's totally challenging and a boat load of fun.  A gentlemen I know began gofling.  He's lost almost 50 lbs in the past 6 months walking 18 holes everyday with his own clubs. 


Hope it helps.


The Real




There are thousands of activities. Find one that you like and you're likely to keep doing it.


Doesn't matter WHAt you do, just that you DO something.

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Stay away from white carbs. White breads, rice etc.... Replace all these with brown or "good" carbs and you'll drop a ton. Whole wheat breads (which I hate by they way) have some decent variaties out there. Brown rice cooked in a rice cooker is very good.


I follow the south beach diet and I lost 36 lbs to start and I've kept it off. It's really easy to follow and you eat 5-6 times a day. Couple that with walking or jogging and the weight will fall off, I promise.


I'll second this. The South Beach diet kicks arse. I've been on it since January...you lose a ton of weight.


I don't excersize at a gym because I don't like people, and I find running to be excruciatingly boring and a total waste of what valuable free time I have. But, even without any excersize, you lose insane amounts of weight on the SB diet (it says to stay away from beer, but I say "sh-- on that"). My wife and I eat whatever the hell we want on the weekends, but during the week we stick to it. You'd be surprized how much poundage you lose bringing your own meals to the salt mines, and not hitting a Quiznos for an overpriced sub.

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To expand on a couple things:


For what it sounds like you are looking for, walking outside would probably be the better idea than going to a gym. It's easier, usually less time consuming, and it's much easier to get motivated to do. It's true that once you are in the gym you would have someone telling you what to do, but GETTING to the gym is the tough part. If your not someone who is really in to working out, going to the gym regulary is not easy over time.


Keeping logs of what you are doing is a great idea. Just remember, don't make it too difficult. Simple notes to keep track of what you are doing is all you need. The simpler you make all this stuff, the better.


Just as important is plan your days/weeks out as much as possible. On Sunday while you are watching the games, grab a pad and make a quick list. Monday: Walk Outside after work. Wednesday: Golf Thursday: Treadmill before work. Etc...

If you want to get real serious, plan your meals. (To me it sounds like you want to remain casual and drop a few pounds, so planning the activities is a good place to start).

Once you have your plan....STICK TO IT.


For most people who just want to get a little more active and drop a few pounds over time, walking really is a great way to do that. It gives you exercise and can be relaxing at the same time. Gives you time to think and enjoy your environment. Go with friend and catch up on football, take the wife (if you have one) and catch up on life. It's definately a good idea.

If you want more than that, planning is the key. Pick a work out and diet and plan as much as possible. Plan your meals, workout schedule, and goals, and keep to it as much as possible.

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Let me put it to you another way...The best way to lose large amounts of weight (30+) is to do it over a long time. Here's a plan ANYONE can do:


Every day, eat 250 less calories than you normally would and walk at a brisk pace for 45 minutes.


That's it.


By doing that, you'd create a 500 calorie/day deficit or 3500 calorie/wweek deficit.


Since a pound of fat is generally accepted to contain a total of 3500 calories worth of energy, you burn 3500 calories, you burn a pound. Stretch that pound per week over a year and you've lost 52 pounds.


No hassle.

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Let me put it to you another way...The best way to lose large amounts of weight (30+) is to do it over a long time. Here's a plan ANYONE can do:


Every day, eat 250 less calories than you normally would and walk at a brisk pace for 45 minutes.


That's it.


By doing that, you'd create a 500 calorie/day deficit or 3500 calorie/wweek deficit.


Since a pound of fat is generally accepted to contain a total of 3500 calories worth of energy, you burn 3500 calories, you burn a pound. Stretch that pound per week over a year and you've lost 52 pounds.


No hassle.


I was looking at the Weight Watchers program. They assign points to food, and you get 22 points a day. Eat what you want, but don't exceed the points.


The problem is, a single beer is seven points. So essentially I could have three beers a day, and a carrot. How the hell am I am supposed to only have three beers?

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I was looking at the Weight Watchers program. They assign points to food, and you get 22 points a day. Eat what you want, but don't exceed the points.


The problem is, a single beer is seven points. So essentially I could have three beers a day, and a carrot. How the hell am I am supposed to only have three beers?



Actually, the beck's premium light is 1 point per 12 oz bottle.

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after way too long leading a sedentary(sp) lifestyle, I figur I need to start doing something....So I have been doing a treadmill every morning for 1/2 hour and going 2.15 miles(equivilent), going at a pretty good walking clip.  But that is so goddamed boring.  I see all these different classes at different facilities and can't make heads or tails.  Pilates, Spinning, Kick Boxing etc...my goal is to lose wait, tone and get in shape.  I do not want to spend every waking hour at a gym, just looking to do something 3 times a week and get the best results.  anyone have any good advice for a 43 year old tub of goo???  btw, i have been watching my diet lately and am up to about 10 pounds off in the past 3 weeks....  thanks in advance.



Weight lifting is alright. If you have a good program. Kick-boxing is what I did until I kept hurting my back due to my extreme lack of flexibility. As a result, I'm signing up to yoga once a week and going to stick to the boxing.


The trick is not to be lazy.

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Let me put it to you another way...The best way to lose large amounts of weight (30+) is to do it over a long time. Here's a plan ANYONE can do:


Every day, eat 250 less calories than you normally would and walk at a brisk pace for 45 minutes.


That's it.


By doing that, you'd create a 500 calorie/day deficit or 3500 calorie/wweek deficit.


Since a pound of fat is generally accepted to contain a total of 3500 calories worth of energy, you burn 3500 calories, you burn a pound. Stretch that pound per week over a year and you've lost 52 pounds.


No hassle.



Easier said than done. If someone spent their whole life being a couch potato and eating unhealthy... what is the probability that he will stick to the walking and healthy eating.


The only reason I exercise is because I enjoy it. Walking is boring. I'd rather spend 1 hour a day hitting my punching bag and doing body weight exercises which is much more fun than going for a walk, especially if you live in sh-- temperatures like I do here.

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Easier said than done.  If someone spent their whole life being a couch potato and eating unhealthy... what is the probability that he will stick to the walking and healthy eating.


The only reason I exercise is because I enjoy it.  Walking is boring.  I'd rather spend 1 hour a day hitting my punching bag and doing body weight exercises which is much more fun than going for a walk, especially if you live in sh-- temperatures like I do here.




I didn't say you had to eat healthy, just less.


250 calories less, or two sodas/one candy bar/ etc...

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do you do this at a club or is it through something else, i am really not into putting forth a $60/month commitment for a year, i would rather pay for classes on an as needed/wanted basis


Weight lifting is alright.  If you have a good program.  Kick-boxing is what I did until I kept hurting my back due to my extreme lack of flexibility.  As a result, I'm signing up to yoga once a week and going to stick to the boxing.


The trick is not to be lazy.


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I didn't say you had to eat healthy, just less.


250 calories less, or two sodas/one candy bar/ etc...



Sorry, I didn't totally read your post :lol:


I phase out after about 2 sentences :doh:


No but seriously, I think the best solution for Poojer would be to start something hard right away. He will lose weight in a bunch since his body is not used to working out. He will be so motivated as a result of this great change in his body that he will end up eating less and exercising more often and enjoying it.

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do you do this at a club or is it through something else, i am really not into putting forth a $60/month commitment for a year, i would rather pay for classes on an as needed/wanted basis




Well I live in Montreal, and I'm pretty sure you don't. I go to classes where it cost 160$ + tax for 20 classes. I stuck to it, but injured myself and haven't been back since.


Don't commit for a year. Do 3 months, see how you like it. It doesn't have to only be kick-boxing. My oldest brother does tae-kwon do which is good as well.


And yoga is good as well (although I've never done it, but I will be soon.)

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i have thought about it, it is probably a 25 mile ride and there are at least 2 people in my neck of the woods that ride a couple times a week...that would mean i would need a bike :doh:


And you're not going to be able to just jump on a bike and do 25 miles right away. You'll need to build up to that, start with 5 till you're comfortable, then 10, etc, increasing 5 miles each time till you're at 25 or more. I was up to the point several years ago where I could do 20 miles in about an hour and a half.


Pilates is good for tone, it looks easy, but because you're holding positions that you've may never have done, it'll kick your ass the first few times.


Another thing, if you do join a gym, they'll have one of the trainers walk around with you the first time or two and demonstrate the equipment. Ask them if they or the gym can give you a "reminder call" once you figure out what days/times you want to come in. Basically, ask them when they call if they'll berate you if you say you're not coming. For some people it helps in the motivation if you know that someones going to rip you a new one iof you don't go to the gym.

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