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Gonna play hooky tomorrow.

Pine Barrens Mafia

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Good for you, buddy.  Sick days are completely wasted on the sick.



I love the system my company currently uses, PTO. No sick days, just paid time off to use as you wish. If I feel like I want tomorrow off I can call in, no questions asked. Of course you'll get in trouble if you abuse it, but you don't have to pretend your ass is exploding to get off work. I actually end up with more vacations days as a result as I never get sick.

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I love the system my company currently uses, PTO. No sick days, just paid time off to use as you wish. If I feel like I want tomorrow off I can call in, no questions asked. Of course you'll get in trouble if you abuse it, but you don't have to pretend your ass is exploding to get off work. I actually end up with more vacations days as a result as I never get sick.



This is definitely the way to go. Too many losers calling in with their "sick voice", coughing, hacking and acting like a tool. I haven't called in sick in years, but when I did it was all business.


Boss: Hello

Me: It's Shawn, I won't be in today.

Boss: Alright, see you Monday. (it was almost always a Friday) 0:)

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I love the system my company currently uses, PTO. No sick days, just paid time off to use as you wish. If I feel like I want tomorrow off I can call in, no questions asked. Of course you'll get in trouble if you abuse it, but you don't have to pretend your ass is exploding to get off work. I actually end up with more vacations days as a result as I never get sick.



They do that here, too. But they don't like you just calling off for nothing. I have a kid, so it makes it easy.



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