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Dwight's grandfather was quite a man.  In WWII, he killed 20 men and spent the rest of the war in an allied prison camp.  In last season's finale, Dwight wore the tuxedo he was buried in.



"My father's name was Dwight Schrute. His father's name was Dwight Schrute. His father's name? Dwide Schroode. Amish."

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Jericho was ok. I was expecting a little more out of it and I hope it picks up because it's a good concept. They just made some of the parts too cheesy, IMO. Major Dad needs to quit over-acting.


Thanks. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out who the hell that guy was. The Jericho pilot was pretty much what I expected. We'll see how far they can take the concept (and for how long).


Kidnapped's pilot featured two bad-ass gun fights and a huge explosion. It has the potential to be 24 but with a brain.

Dwight's grandfather was quite a man.  In WWII, he killed 20 men and spent the rest of the war in an allied prison camp.  In last season's finale, Dwight wore the tuxedo he was buried in.


Dwight's father battled high blood pressure and obesity. A different kind of battle.

The best show on television is either "Rescue Me" or "The Shield" and it's not even close. 



I am guessing that you have never seen "The Wire" on HBO.

I am guessing that you have never seen "The Wire" on HBO.


No HBO. I've got it on my Netflix. I'll get to it once winter rolls around, unless every freakin' hockey game on Center Ice gets in the way!


Lucky Louie is the best new comedy.


Rescue Me is outstanding, although the last episode was just way, way over the top with the wedding immediately following the cop's funeral.


Weeds is quickly becoming my favorite. The chick is hot and watching Kevin Nealon hit the bong never gets old.

Hope you enjoyed its only season.


Is it done already?




First "Vengeance Unlimited," and now this.


And hey, Chef, Nealon plays a City Councilman who becomes partners with the main chick as she ramps up her dope business. One of the best scenes recently was with her, Nealon and her brother going to an underground Dope Tradeshow of sorts where they're looking for the plant they want to use to start their business. Her brother and Nealon go from booth-to-booth, taking hits, turning to her and repeatedly saying "Oh, this is the one. No. Wait. THIS is the one. No. Wait."


I know you hate the tube, but it's on Showtime and I'm not sure you can pick it up with the antenna on your 13" Ford Philco. 0:)

yeah, they just cancelled Lucky Louie. My favorite show is Deadwood. The Sheild is great stuff.




Wow, that sucks! I think the show was a little uneven, but got much better as time went on...like most television shows...




My favorite, after all this time, is still the Sopranos


Excellent acting, excellent writing, always keeps you wondering...I love the fact that they take their time telling a story, and don't succumb to criticism for not being violent enough, to appease those who just don't get the show....I can't think of another weekly television show that I have ever anticipated more, on a weekly basis...


Another show that I never see anybody mention, that I would put into my top 10 list of modern shows, the gone but not forgotten "Freaks & Geeks" Anyone who grew up in white suburbia in the early 80's in Buffalo, or in the mid-west would be able to relate to this show...it was created by the same guy who brought us "Anchorman" and "The 40 Year Old Virgin", which to me, were funny, but not on par with "Freaks And Geeks"...it only lasted for 18 episodes, which are out on DVD now...

No HBO.  I've got it on my Netflix.  I'll get to it once winter rolls around, unless every freakin' hockey game on Center Ice gets in the way!



I am so jealous man. Do any of the center ice games come in HD?

yeah, they just cancelled Lucky Louie. My favorite show is Deadwood. The Sheild is great stuff.



Lucky Louie had its moments, it just seemed a bit forced. It was basically a cookie cutter sitcom with profanities. Though, Patton Oswald's joke at the kids party was hilarious(why did the chicken cross the basketball court? he heard the ref was blowing fouls).


Best shows on TV:


The Office

Arrested Development (sniff)


My favorite is The Daily Show - absolutely to notch writing - the only show that regularly makes me laugh out loud.


I also love Mythbusters - where can I get a job doing cool stuff like that and getting paid good money for it?


Sitcom favorites are Earl and The Office.


Weeds is quickly becoming my favorite. The chick is hot and watching Kevin Nealon hit the bong never gets old.




10-year-old Isabelle: Have you been talking to my mother?


Kevin Nealon: No, I hate that cu---...."



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