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OK, Im dont bashing Drew.

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Mickey, you really hit the nail on the head and I appreciate your saving me the trouble of having to iterate it once again. My biggest fear is that the Bledsoe haters will get their wish one day soon...and they'll only realize that swapping out Drew is no different than Miami putting Feeley in for Fiedler, and then Fiedler back in for Feeley. You can change them all you want, but you're still going to have the same results.


People think "Oh, it'll provide a spark for the team." And it may. For a moment or two. And then you'll see the same thing with Matthews that you saw with Drew.


All you have to do is look at the way Fiedler played yesterday to see what happens when you start flipping quarterbacks with a team like ours.  In five and a half games, Fiedler has 10 interceptions, 6 fumbles, 16 sacks and three TDs. Prior to yesterday's brilliant three picks and two fumbles, everyone felt Feeley should start. And that's exactly what the got halfwaythrough game two.


What did Feeley do? Provide a spark? No. Five picks, four fumbles...umpteen sacks.


Different quarterback, same results. Gee...I wonder why that is?


But some people just don't care because they need SOMEONE to blame.


And some people, like stevestojan, just keep posting the same things over and over because they apparently feel that each new thread is an original thought.




Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)

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Doesn't get much worse that that.


Yes it does. And yes it will. Every time I have to read another "look at what I'm thinking" thread that is simply a reiteration of all your other posts.

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I would be interested to know how many NFL Teams that have gone on a 9-18 type bad streak did not replace their Starting QB?? pretty sure that more times than not, a QB change is made...Just a thought... B)



Hell, Jay Fielder had a 35-18 record with the Dolphins (the third highest winninger percentage of active QBs with more than 25 starts) after their week 1 loss this year and the Phins benched him because they felt they needed a spark. We can't sit a guy has won 9 games in his last 27 starts...mostly because we have no viable backup. Too bad we didn't sign Volek in the offseason... :(

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Ok, so you judge on one games performance?


If Drew had thrown for 600 yards and 9 TDs yesterday, I would still be calling for a replacement SOON.




People like you (my father included) are starting to drive me insane... When drew moved to Buffalo, did he save your cat from a tree? Did he send you a bucket of hundred dollar bills?  Why the Undying love? Because he's a nice guy? See my signature for my answer to that.


The point is, sure Travis slipped. But travis is a top 10 back in this league.


The last good game Bledsoe had was week 2 last year.


In the last 26 games, he has performed really well in 4 of them.


So, Im sorry that yesterdays mediocre-at-best performance didnt change my mind. This post is a continuation of his sucktitude, not a focus on yesterday.


And listen, if you think yesterday, his play was very good, then he is alot worse than i ever thought.



So getting rid of Bledsoe will help make Travis not tackle himself? Stop the team from commiting stupid penalties? Cure the receivers of the droppsies? You want to see mediocre-at-best just keep hoping Mathews is inserted to try threading the ball to Evans and Moulds. Anybody trying to coin a stupid ass word like "suckitude" isn't right so I won't expect you to understand that Bledsoe is not the only reason this team is 0-3. He certainly is down the list of players who need to sit their butt on the bench.

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Yes it does. And yes it will. Every time I have to read another "look at what I'm thinking" thread that is simply a reiteration of all your other posts.




Your last attempt at a sentence there was actually a fragment.


Go Bills.

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Hell, Jay Fielder had a 35-18 record with the Dolphins (the third highest winninger percentage of active QBs with more than 25 starts) after their week 1 loss this year and the Phins benched him because they felt they needed a spark.  We can't sit a guy has won 9 games in his last 27 starts...mostly because we have no viable backup.  Too bad we didn't sign Volek in the offseason... :(



Well...I'll give that an Amen...But there was no way Volek was coming here when DB was still in the fold. He knew he had a great Back-up spot already behind McNair, and he loves it there. Had the Bills waived Drew, or told Volek that was their intention if he Signed, I think Volek would have come. Then the Bills could have still Picked JP for insurance, and this whole deal would be VERY different in my opinion... B)

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Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)


I think, too, KOK, that after watching Brady throw yesterday, he's just a much better quarterback than Bledsoe. His patience in the pocket was freakish, and once in a while the camera angle would show him throwing passes that had ever the least bit of arc on them to get over the defender but directly to the receiver. It's not hard for me to see how they went from 13-21 to 43-12.


Unfortunately, we don't have a Brady. We have a Bledsoe...and after that, the QB talent drops off dramatically on our roster. Which is why to me, changing up the quarterback has no upside to it at all. It also would change up the way the OL has begun to improve because they're still getting used to Bledsoe's cadence's, etc. Tossing Matthews in there when the season isn't over yet won't do anything but end the season a lot sooner.

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Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)



Okay, so if we sit Bledsoe and start Mathews, we will go 43-12 and win two SB's, is that your argument? Be serious. Matthews right now is our only option besides Drew, if you have an argument that Matthews would have done better against the best team in the league than Drew's 250 plus game hitting on two bombs including a TD yesterday, let's hear it. If not what is the freaking point?


All you Drew haters have made your point ad nauseum. Do you have anything more clever or constructive to say than "Drew sux"???? Is that the height of your football acumen, your keen eye for what all the rest of us miss? Is that the observation you have that just has to be shared because of it's rare insight?


I actually heard one monumental idiot say, in all seriousness, that we should bench Drew and start Matthews, not because Matthews is any better than Drew but because we should start now to see if he is good enough to back up JP. Brilliant. 13 games left and one idiot thinks we should spend them as an extended tryout for a backup for next year. Yeah, that makes perfect senses. Pooch the season to see if Shane Matthews is good enough to supplant Travis Brown as the likely No. 2 next year.

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I think, too, KOK, that after watching Brady throw yesterday, he's just a much better quarterback than Bledsoe. His patience in the pocket was freakish, and once in a while the camera angle would show him throwing passes that had ever the least bit of arc on them to get over the defender but directly to the receiver. It's not hard for me to see how they went from 13-21 to 43-12.


Unfortunately, we don't have a Brady. We have a Bledsoe...and after that, the QB talent drops off dramatically on our roster. Which is why to me, changing up the quarterback has no upside to it at all. It also would change up the way the OL has begun to improve because they're still getting used to Bledsoe's cadence's, etc. Tossing Matthews in there when the season isn't over yet won't do anything but end the season a lot sooner.



Its easy to be patient when the nearest rusher is over by the gatorade bucket. I thought the problem with Drew was that he doesn't throw it away soon enough, now he is not patient enough? Which is he, impatient or patient? :(

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Well...I'll give that an Amen...But there was no way Volek was coming here when DB was still in the fold. He knew he had a great Back-up spot already behind McNair, and he loves it there. Had the Bills waived Drew, or told Volek that was their intention if he Signed, I think Volek would have come. Then the Bills could have still Picked JP for insurance, and this whole deal would be VERY different in my opinion... B)


Yeah, we would all be talking about how much Volek sux.

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All you Drew haters have made your point ad nauseum. Do you have anything more clever or constructive to say than "Drew sux"????


Frustration does that to people. There were moments yesterday when I was ready to kill Bledsoe myself. But it didn't take long for me to (1) be mad at someone else real quickly and (2) remember what our alternatives are at quarterback.


The difference for me is that the season isn't over yet. People like the smart guy who started this thread say the season is over already and we're done. The difference is...I'm not a quitter. The season is NOT over. Last I checked we have 13 games left. And Matthews is NOT a viable option at any cost. (I know that's not a popular thought, but Threadstarter says I'm stupid, so you really can't go by what I say.)


But the quitters can't see past their frustration and anger. Watching this team is a tough thing to do, year after year. It's very frustrating, but when you consider our options, the best plan with 13 games left is to move forward, keeping playing the best you can with the best people in each possible position (and yes, that means Bledsoe at quarterback) and never give up. Never say die. Never quit.

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Frustration does that to people. There were moments yesterday when I was ready to kill Bledsoe myself. But it didn't take long for me to (1) be mad at someone else real quickly and (2) remember what our alternatives are at quarterback.


The difference for me is that the season isn't over yet. People like the smart guy who started this thread say the season is over already and we're done. The difference is...I'm not a quitter. The season is NOT over. Last I checked we have 13 games left. And Matthews is NOT a viable option at any cost. (I know that's not a popular thought, but Threadstarter says I'm stupid, so you really can't go by what I say.)


But the quitters can't see past their frustration and anger. Watching this team is a tough thing to do, year after year. It's very frustrating, but when you consider our options, the best plan with 13 games left is to move forward, keeping playing the best you can with the best people in each possible position (and yes, that means Bledsoe at quarterback) and never give up. Never say die. Never quit.



Paco. I hate you. You hate me.


I dont seem to have to mention you in every one of my posts. You seem to have a need to mention me. That's your thing. And thats sad, but fine.


Anyway, we both are Bills fans. I am by nature pessimistic. You, opptomistic.


This season has given me more to be pessimistic about that most seasons.


You call me a quitter for saying the season is over? I like to call it being realistic.


At this early of a point in the season, we should have still had hope for the division. Now, not only do we have TWO teams in our own division that are "6" games ahead of us (and six because to catch up and EVEN TIE one of them, we need to win three while they lose three) we have a MULTITUDE of teams that are that far ahead of us just for a wild card. If we cant win the games we should (see JAX), how are we expected to win against Baltimore, Seattle, New England again, or the 3-0 Jets?


So, have I given up on Playoffs officially? Yes. Without a doubt.


Everyone says how Losman needs a season to really play before he will be effective. Well, do you want 2005 to be that season so that we have a chance for playoffs in 2006? Or since the ship is sinking, why not let him take his knocks now, and be ready to compete next year?

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I agree with Mickey. The question is NOT whether Bledsoe sucks (or is not very good) but whether Shane Matthews is any better. I saw this guy play for the Redskins (I live in D.C.) and he is horrible. This is a guy that no one even wanted as a 3rd string QB before we picked him up.


I'm also opposed to throwing Losman in at the earliest moment. Losman is our future and I don't want to throw him in there and have him break his leg again. I know that breaking his leg again will always be a risk but I'm guessing rushing Losman back and playing him as soon as possible has to increase that risk. Our O-line looked better in the first half yesterday but I would prefer to improve it before putting Losman in (i.e. next year).


Bledsoe is not our future but our best chance at doing anything this year is with him (rookie QBs always struggle). And for those who think we are going 3-13 or worse, that argument still means we shouldn't put in Losman because it's better to have Bledsoe get killed this year than our future QB. First round QBs that sit for at least a year have a much higher success rate than first round QBs that play their first year. Everyone knows that Losman is raw - let's not mess him up by throwing him in this year and hurting his confidence when there is no reason to.

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Anyway, we both are Bills fans. I am by nature pessimistic. You, opptomistic.


This season has given me more to be pessimistic about that most seasons.


You call me a quitter for saying the season is over? I like to call it being realistic.



I am also pessimistic. Last season when we were 3-3 and had lost to the Jets - I thought our season was over. I based that on the fact that our coaches were inept and I couldn't see our team winning many more games even though we dominated our first 2.


This year - although we are 0-3, I see a much more potential. I have no idea why I'm not as pessimistic as I was last year but I think any reasonable fan has to say after a mere 3 games (and 3 games in which we were competitive), it is a little too early to say the season is over. Especially when we have winnable games coming up. If we lost to the Jets and Dolphins then I will agree that the season is over.

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Mickey, you really hit the nail on the head and I appreciate your saving me the trouble of having to iterate it once again. My biggest fear is that the Bledsoe haters will get their wish one day soon...and they'll only realize that swapping out Drew is no different than Miami putting Feeley in for Fiedler, and then Fiedler back in for Feeley. You can change them all you want, but you're still going to have the same results.




So why is your biggest fear replacing Bledsoe if you think we'd only end up with the same results with Mathews? If it makes no difference why fear it? Hell, if Mathews can put up the same results, we should just get rid of Bledsoe and his contract right now.


I have absolutely no faith that Mathews is an NFL calibur QB...which is why I'm not screaming for Bledsoe to be benched...that being said I'm not sure that the Bills offense couldn't put up 10 points a game with him starting at QB.

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Well...Patsies 13-21 before Bledsoe was replaced...43-12 since with 2 Super Bowl Rings... B)


If putting up with Drew for one more season means we get 2 super bowl rings in the next 4 years when Losman is in, I'm ok with it... I think.


You are guaranteeing this, right? :(

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Paco. I hate you. You hate me.


I dont seem to have to mention you in every one of my posts. You seem to have a need to mention me. That's your thing. And thats sad, but fine.


Anyway, we both are Bills fans. I am by nature pessimistic. You, opptomistic.


This season has given me more to be pessimistic about that most seasons.


You call me a quitter for saying the season is over? I like to call it being realistic.


At this early of a point in the season, we should have still had hope for the division. Now, not only do we have TWO teams in our own division that are "6" games ahead of us (and six because to catch up and EVEN TIE one of them, we need to win three while they lose three) we have a MULTITUDE of teams that are that far ahead of us just for a wild card. If we cant win the games we should (see JAX), how are we expected to win against Baltimore, Seattle, New England again, or the 3-0 Jets?


So, have I given up on Playoffs officially? Yes. Without a doubt.


Everyone says how Losman needs a season to really play before he will be effective. Well, do you want 2005 to be that season so that we have a chance for playoffs in 2006? Or since the ship is sinking, why not let him take his knocks now, and be ready to compete next year?



I don't hate you, stevestojan. I don't even know you. What I hate is that every time you have a fleeting thought, regardless of whether it makes sense, you have to start a thread about it. You have no discretion at all.


I also hate the fact that you've quit on the season. Yes, I know. I can hear your little Popeye rant of "I yam what I yam and if no one likes me then they can drop dead." That's all fine and heroic. But do you have to be a quitter, too? And worse yet...be a quitter who calls it being realistic? We both know the only reason you want to quit is because you're afraid YOU'RE gonna get hurt. You're protecting your emotions.


If you actually played on this team, would you quit? Would you give up? Would you end the season right now? Or would you get up and fight the good fight? You have no idea what is in store for the teams we have yet to play. You could suddenly see a rash of injuries in Seattle...or Baltimore...or even NE, who, by the way, we almost DID beat yesterday IN SPITE OF a sloppy performance.


It ain't over 'til it's over. Buck up. Find the good. Take one day at a time. Get ready to win until there's no more reason to win.


When you know you're out of it, THEN put in whatever quarterback you want. But Matthews is your only change of quarterback right now, and DCgirl is right: MATTHEWS SUCKS. He's an emergency valve to finish a game. That's it. That's the only reason he's here. He's an emergency valve. Period. And the only reason to constantly scream for a change quarterback is obviously because you either don't understand football, which you do, or you love to hear yourself talk, which you do.


Cry all you want. But for Christ's sake, people, DON'T QUIT!

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