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OK, Im dont bashing Drew.

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We should just replace the other 10 guys on the team. That shouldnt be too hard.


I mean, since we know he isnt 100% of the problem, lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling"), get rid of our entire WR corps. Travis and Willis? Bye bye. And dont forget the tight ends. Hell, thats even more that 10 guys.


So, since alot of people are saying its not all his fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.


Simple - now TD, get on the phone, and QUICK!

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We should just replace the other 10 guys on the team. That shouldnt be too hard.


I mean, since we know he isnt 100% of the problem, lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling"), get rid of our entire WR corps. Travis and Willis? Bye bye.  And dont forget the tight ends. Hell, thats even more that 10 guys.


So, since alot of people are saying its not all his fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.


Simple - now TD, get on the phone, and QUICK!



Steve, sometimes you come up with the most idiotic posts. Have you been sniffing glue again?

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So, since alot of people are saying its not all his (DB's) fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.






Well...It may seem like a lot, but I have the feeling the majority of Bills Fans now favor replacing DB at some time or another this Season...And I think ALL Bills Fans know it's not ALL Drew's fault. But it is enough of his fault to trigger the change.


I would be interested to know how many NFL Teams that have gone on a 9-18 type bad streak did not replace their Starting QB?? I'm sure there are examples both ways, but I'm also pretty sure that more times than not, a QB change is made...Just a thought... B)

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We should just replace the other 10 guys on the team. That shouldnt be too hard.


I mean, since we know he isnt 100% of the problem, lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling"), get rid of our entire WR corps. Travis and Willis? Bye bye.  And dont forget the tight ends. Hell, thats even more that 10 guys.


So, since alot of people are saying its not all his fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.


Simple - now TD, get on the phone, and QUICK!


Keep that brain chuggin' there, little fella. Sooner or later you'll come up with something that sticks.

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I do get the point, and I agree.


I have now officially changed my position. For the first time ever, I'm now saying "bench Bledsoe."


Yes, he did make some nice plays yesterday. Maybe the INT was not his fault.


...BUT: this team is just way too vulnerable to the pass rush. Every single time there is an obvious passing down, it's a disaster. Every single team in the league knows this. It's not all Drew's fault, but it's painfully clear that only a more mobile QB (can you imagine a LESS mobile one) can fix the problem right now. The offensive line to give Drew ample time on a 3rd and 10 simply does not exist!

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Keep that brain chuggin' there, little fella. Sooner or later you'll come up with something that sticks.




Paco - Im sure this was just an oversite - but you forgot to actually add anything of intelligence or even add anything to the conversation with your post.


Im sure it was just an oversite. See how everyone else added to the conversation, or at least referenced it?


Man, I swear, of all the little people on here that do nothing but flame, you are by far the dumbest.

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Paco - Im sure this was just an oversite - but you forgot to actually add anything of intelligence or even add anything to the conversation with your post.



Kinda like this entire thread. Absolutely no intelligence whatsoever. But you ASK for intelligence in return?


Ooookay. I'm the dumb one here.

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....lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling")....



This is hysterical, thanks for the laugh. :(:P:lol::lol::lol:

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I do get the point, and I agree.


I have now officially changed my position.  For the first time ever, I'm now saying "bench Bledsoe."


Yes, he did make some nice plays yesterday.  Maybe the INT was not his fault.


...BUT:  this team is just way too vulnerable to the pass rush.  Every single time there is an obvious passing down, it's a disaster.  Every single team in the league knows this.  It's not all Drew's fault, but it's painfully clear that only a more mobile QB (can you imagine a LESS mobile one) can fix the problem right now.  The offensive line to give Drew ample time on a 3rd and 10 simply does not exist!




I think Tom Jackson said about the same thing on Primetime last night. He basically said Drew and our O-Line are just a bad mix, and it will not get better.


I think it is important to recognize that Drew was having very similar problems at the End of his NE tenure. It was not all Drew there either, but replacing him had a positive effect no one on this Earth could have predicted. I'm not saying that is going to happen with this Bills Team, but who know? And what do they have to lose besides a few more Games? B)

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We should just replace the other 10 guys on the team. That shouldnt be too hard.


I mean, since we know he isnt 100% of the problem, lets just toss out the entire OLine (who played well for 80% of the game yesterday - and seem to finally be "gelling"), get rid of our entire WR corps. Travis and Willis? Bye bye.  And dont forget the tight ends. Hell, thats even more that 10 guys.


So, since alot of people are saying its not all his fault, lets keep him in there, forget about our first round pick Losman, and just trade every other player on offense.


Simple - now TD, get on the phone, and QUICK!



Right now the choice is Mathews or Drew. Mathews is not an unknown. It is well accepted around the league that he stinks. If not for two, count 'em, two, injuries at QB he would not be on ours or anyone elses roster. Don't tell me Drew stinks, tell me why Mathews would do better than Drew because that is the only decision to be made here.


If Mathews was in there, would Smith not have held on 3rd an 1 taking away a frist and ten at the NE 35? Would Reed and Campbell have not followed that penalty by jumping off sides on the next two plays leaving us a 3rd and 21 from our own 43? Would Smith not have tripped Bledsoe on 3rd and 6 from the NE 34 causing a 12 yard loss? With 1:07 left in the first half, would Moulds not have dropped a first down pass at midfield and then followed that with a 15yd penalty for a PF? Would Travis not have tripped over his own feet on 3rd and 2 from the NE 16 with a huge hole in front of him? Would Coy Wire and McGee not have been toasted in the secondary? Would Schobel have had a sack or even a pressure on Brady? Would Fletcher not have taken two PF's?


You know what wouldn't have happened if Mathews had been in there? Evans wouldn't have been hit in the hands on a dead run for a 55 yard gain and Moulds wouldn't have been hit dead on from over 40 out for a TD.


Maybe if we stopped going crazy every time Drew blinks an eye and worked on some other things like, oh, I don't know, cutting the penalties down to less than 20 a game we might win one.


Lindell misses a FG in week one and Villarial holds on a 3rd and 1 first down run that takes out of FG position and it is Drew's fault. Clements blows a coverage on 3rd an 75 and it is Drew's fault.


This team spent it's FA $ on the defense with Adams, Milloy, Fletcher, Spikes and Vincent and nothing of note was spent on the offense. Problem is, the defense doesn't get turnovers to help the offense which needs it given the neglect of its personnel over the years. "Win with defense", "look at how Baltimore won it all, they had no offense". We bought into that and now we have just what we wanted, a good defense and an offense that can barely get out of it's own way. But you're right, its all Drew Bledsoe's fault.

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Unbelievable. Travis Henry trips on the turf and you morons are tripping over yourselves trying to blame Drew Bledsoe. You guys have lost it.




Ok, so you judge on one games performance?


If Drew had thrown for 600 yards and 9 TDs yesterday, I would still be calling for a replacement SOON.




People like you (my father included) are starting to drive me insane... When drew moved to Buffalo, did he save your cat from a tree? Did he send you a bucket of hundred dollar bills? Why the Undying love? Because he's a nice guy? See my signature for my answer to that.


The point is, sure Travis slipped. But travis is a top 10 back in this league.


The last good game Bledsoe had was week 2 last year.


In the last 26 games, he has performed really well in 4 of them.


So, Im sorry that yesterdays mediocre-at-best performance didnt change my mind. This post is a continuation of his sucktitude, not a focus on yesterday.


And listen, if you think yesterday, his play was very good, then he is alot worse than i ever thought.

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Right now the choice is Mathews or Drew.  Mathews is not an unknown.  It is well accepted around the league that he stinks.  If not for two, count 'em, two, injuries at QB he would not be on ours or anyone elses roster.  Don't tell me Drew stinks, tell me why Mathews would do better than Drew because that is the only decision to be made here.


If Mathews was in there, would Smith not have held on 3rd an 1 taking away a frist and ten at the NE 35?  Would Reed and Campbell have not followed that penalty by jumping off sides on the next two plays leaving us a 3rd and 21 from our own 43?  Would Smith not have tripped Bledsoe on 3rd and 6 from the NE 34 causing a 12 yard loss?  With 1:07 left in the first half, would Moulds not have dropped a first down pass at midfield and then followed that with a 15yd penalty for a PF?  Would Travis not have tripped over his own feet on 3rd and 2 from the NE 16 with a huge hole in front of him?  Would Coy Wire and McGee not have been toasted in the secondary?  Would Schobel have had a sack or even a pressure on Brady?  Would Fletcher not have taken two PF's?


You know what wouldn't have happened if Mathews had been in there?  Evans wouldn't have been hit in the hands on a dead run for a 55 yard gain and Moulds wouldn't have been hit dead on from over 40 out for a TD.


Maybe if we stopped going crazy every time Drew blinks an eye and worked on some other things like, oh, I don't know, cutting the penalties down to less than 20 a game we might win one.


Lindell misses a FG in week one and Villarial holds on a 3rd and 1 first down run that takes out of FG position and it is Drew's fault.  Clements blows a coverage on 3rd an 75 and it is Drew's fault. 


This team spent it's FA $ on the defense with Adams, Milloy, Fletcher, Spikes and Vincent and nothing of note was spent on the offense.  Problem is, the defense doesn't get turnovers to help the offense which needs it given the neglect of its personnel over the years.  "Win with defense", "look at how Baltimore won it all, they had no offense".  We bought into that and now we have just what we wanted, a good defense and an offense that can barely get out of it's own way.  But you're right, its all Drew Bledsoe's fault.


Mickey, you really hit the nail on the head and I appreciate your saving me the trouble of having to iterate it once again. My biggest fear is that the Bledsoe haters will get their wish one day soon...and they'll only realize that swapping out Drew is no different than Miami putting Feeley in for Fiedler, and then Fiedler back in for Feeley. You can change them all you want, but you're still going to have the same results.


People think "Oh, it'll provide a spark for the team." And it may. For a moment or two. And then you'll see the same thing with Matthews that you saw with Drew.


All you have to do is look at the way Fiedler played yesterday to see what happens when you start flipping quarterbacks with a team like ours. In five and a half games, Fiedler has 10 interceptions, 6 fumbles, 16 sacks and three TDs. Prior to yesterday's brilliant three picks and two fumbles, everyone felt Feeley should start. And that's exactly what the got halfwaythrough game two.


What did Feeley do? Provide a spark? No. Five picks, four fumbles...umpteen sacks.


Different quarterback, same results. Gee...I wonder why that is?


But some people just don't care because they need SOMEONE to blame.


And some people, like stevestojan, just keep posting the same things over and over because they apparently feel that each new thread is an original thought.

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Unbelievable. Travis Henry trips on the turf and you morons are tripping over yourselves trying to blame Drew Bledsoe. You guys have lost it.




First off, moron is not a nice word... :(


Seriously though, there is a reason DB is 27-42 as a Starter over the course of the last 5 Seasons combined. You can ignore that Stat all you want, but it's all that matters in the end. He was never the only problem in NE, and he's never been the only problem in Buffalo...But the losing continues. Point the finger all you want at the other problems on this Team, NE had plenty of them too before Drew was replaced. But something magical happened there, and a Team that had been 13-21 in their previous 34 Games suddenly caught fire with a single line-up change at the QB position...


There is similar History here, and you can bet your bottom dollar Drew had his share of supporters who believed in him 100% during his last Season there. I wonder how those supporters feel now? B)

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Mickey, you really hit the nail on the head and I appreciate your saving me the trouble of having to iterate it once again. My biggest fear is that the Bledsoe haters will get their wish one day soon...and they'll only realize that swapping out Drew is no different than Miami putting Feeley in for Fiedler, and then Fiedler back in for Feeley. You can change them all you want, but you're still going to have the same results.


People think "Oh, it'll provide a spark for the team." And it may. For a moment or two. And then you'll see the same thing with Matthews that you saw with Drew.


All you have to do is look at the way Fiedler played yesterday to see what happens when you start flipping quarterbacks with a team like ours.  In five and a half games, Fiedler has 10 interceptions, 6 fumbles, 16 sacks and three TDs. Prior to yesterday's brilliant three picks and two fumbles, everyone felt Feeley should start. And that's exactly what the got halfwaythrough game two.


What did Feeley do? Provide a spark? No. Five picks, four fumbles...umpteen sacks.


Different quarterback, same results. Gee...I wonder why that is?


But some people just don't care because they need SOMEONE to blame.


And some people, like stevestojan, just keep posting the same things over and over because they apparently feel that each new thread is an original thought.




almost made it through a whole post (a long, boring post) without insulting me... almost had it.


close, so close.


Wow - you are a sad person. Sad, and stupid. Doesn't get much worse that that.

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