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Well, Sunday was Tom Petty night...


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We left for ACL on Sunday shortly after the Bills game.


When we got there, we unfortunately went to the wrong stage. There were two friggin AT&T stages, and we went to the wrong one ffs.


Anyway, the two bands we ended up seeing were The Flaming Lips and Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.


The Flaming Lips were strange. Very strange. I knew a couple of their songs previously which I found weird and never listened to much. They had aliens, people dressed in Santa costumes, and people in an inflatable Astronaut, Alien, and Robot costume dancing on stage.


They were entertaining, but I grew bored of them by the end of their hour. All in all, 5/10.


Tom Petty was okay. During his first song, I was wondering if he would ever actually move around on stage. Also, after that, he said "Wow, You all are getting me excited", to which I was again thinking "and stop it, the doctor said I'd have a heart attack if I got excited."


Anyway, he started actually moving around stage shortly after that. We had a break for a rain delay about halfway into the show, but all-in-all he played for about an hour and a half.


A few of the more upbeat songs were fun, but it was a lot different then the other concerts I've been to, which were all metal. Definitely a much mellower environment, no mosh pits, haha.


The festival environment was cool, I've never been to Austin City Limits or any other music festival before.


The crowd for him really surprised me. The 30-year-olds all seemed to leave for Muse, while 29-below and 39-up stayed for Petty. I was surprised at the amount of younger people there for him.


It was fun overall. I enjoyed it, but I doubt I'd pay to see him again. Would I go? Sure, but only if it was cheap/free. I think I was a bit disappointed because I was expecting a really energetic crowd and show, but thats not what Petty delivered. Overall a 6.5/10.

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