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Will my services be needed this week?

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That's the thing, I don't hate Losman.  I'm a fan.  I want the Bills to do well.    I want to make the playoffs *this* year.    The Bills doing well and making the playoffs is intrinisically tied to Losman doing well. 


In my pre-season analysis, I said that the Bills' schedule is set up somewhat nicely for us to be a young team, improve over the course of the season, and make a run down the stretch of the schedule.    I noted that in all likelihood we would start the year 0-2, and that would be o.k. - there are plenty of winnable games to be had for the Bills later in the schedule.    Thus, I concluded that while 0-2 woudn't kill us, if we could just steal one of the first two games, that we would be in good shape.    And by rights, we should be 2-02 and Dick Jauron should be the early favorite for Coach of the Year and the Bills should be the talk of the NFL.


In any event, my theory that "if we could just steal one of the first two road division games we can make a playoff run" was contingent upon the Bills getting better.  I am just very worried that Losman isn't getting better, or at the very least, he isn't getting better fast enough.  If I harp on Losman, it is simply because turning Losman into a mediocre NFL QB is so essential to the Bills' success this season - and because so few Bills fans seem to have an accurate assessment of Losman's level of play so far.








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That's the thing, I don't hate Losman.  I'm a fan.  I want the Bills to do well.    I want to make the playoffs *this* year.    The Bills doing well and making the playoffs is intrinisically tied to Losman doing well. 


In my pre-season analysis, I said that the Bills' schedule is set up somewhat nicely for us to be a young team, improve over the course of the season, and make a run down the stretch of the schedule.    I noted that in all likelihood we would start the year 0-2, and that would be o.k. - there are plenty of winnable games to be had for the Bills later in the schedule.    Thus, I concluded that while 0-2 woudn't kill us, if we could just steal one of the first two games, that we would be in good shape.    And by rights, we should be 2-02 and Dick Jauron should be the early favorite for Coach of the Year and the Bills should be the talk of the NFL.


In any event, my theory that "if we could just steal one of the first two road division games we can make a playoff run" was contingent upon the Bills getting better.  I am just very worried that Losman isn't getting better, or at the very least, he isn't getting better fast enough.  If I harp on Losman, it is simply because turning Losman into a mediocre NFL QB is so essential to the Bills' success this season - and because so few Bills fans seem to have an accurate assessment of Losman's level of play so far.





If you're not happy with JP's development as seen from this game, then you should take it up with the coaches (and the OL) as much as you do with JP. The coaches played it ultra-conservative with him. JP did what he was told to do, and he did it reasonably well (no turnovers and 90.7 QB rating).


Kind of hard to argue with the result, though, eh? A road win in Miami in September with TKO and Vincent out....


Next week is the home opener against a suspect Jets secondary. Look for the coaches to open up the vertical game, and hopefully that "progress" of JP's that you're looking for will show itself.

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Next week is the home opener against a suspect Jets secondary. Look for the coaches to open up the vertical game, and hopefully that "progress" of JP's that you're looking for will show itself.



It certainly will be an interesting game. If we really do have a shot at at least looking like a playoff conteder this year, next week is exactly the type of game we have to win.


Without thinking about it too hard just yet, my gut reaction is that presuming we don't fall too far behind, Jauron will try to stick with a conservative gameplan, trying to run the ball more than we pass, and limiting JP Losman's opportunities to make mistakes.



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and because so few Bills fans seem to have an accurate assessment of Losman's level of play so far.





Ahhh yes, your assinine assessment of Losman is dead on, while the rest of our's are the ones who are off. 0:)

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Ahhh yes, your assinine assessment of Losman is dead on, while the rest of our's are the ones who are off. 0:)



lol....I think what JDG is lacking is similar to what a lot of JP bashers lack....perspective

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If you're not happy with JP's development as seen from this game, then you should take it up with the coaches (and the OL) as much as you do with JP. The coaches played it ultra-conservative with him. JP did what he was told to do, and he did it reasonably well (no turnovers and 90.7 QB rating).


Kind of hard to argue with the result, though, eh? A road win in Miami in September with TKO and Vincent out....


Next week is the home opener against a suspect Jets secondary. Look for the coaches to open up the vertical game, and hopefully that "progress" of JP's that you're looking for will show itself.



One word: Chunkability

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While a certain detractor looks at it like Losman didn't progress well, take it into perspective. There were ample opportunities for the team to go play action and probably bust a big one with how the fins started stacking against the run, but Jauron and Fairchild kept it close to the vest as promised and took the 2 yards on the ground to eat clock. If Allen doesn't just tackle Evans, then it becomes a completely different story....It turns into JP managed the game, hammered it inside, and then pounced when the opportunity arrived. The main thing is, if you can honestly sit here and say no progression has been made after you opened the season with 2 tough road games and the offense hasn't committed ONE turnover then delusion is reality.

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It certainly will be an interesting game.  If we really do have a shot at at least looking like a playoff conteder this year, next week is exactly the type of game we have to win.


Without thinking about it too hard just yet, my gut reaction is that presuming we don't fall too far behind, Jauron will try to stick with a conservative gameplan, trying to run the ball more than we pass, and limiting JP Losman's opportunities to make mistakes.




These were road game plans that took into account potential factors such as ........CROWD NOISE!

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QUOTE(JDG @ Sep 17 2006, 10:44 PM)

and because so few Bills fans seem to have an accurate assessment of Losman's level of play so far.





I really hope you looked in the mirror as you typed that.



There's one simple way of addressing that:


"Do you think that Losman should have been benched after four games last season?"


Any fan who doesn't think that Losman needed to be benched after the debacles in Weeks 2-4, is every bit as delusional as that fan is no doubt accusing me of being right now.



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I notice you didn't mention the play of JP Losman..... ;-)






Criticism of Losman at this point is just asinine. Yes, his numbers were low, but because he did what he was asked to do. They didn't pass much. AS a Bills fan, If I can assume you are, would you have run less and passed more yesterday. The coaches are putting Losman in the best possible position for him to grow. We are getting what MM and his brain trust promised last year. JP is not expected to go to the pro-bowl this year. He is expected to show growth, which he is doing.


One last point I Hate, no HATE, HATE!!!! when people find a way to complain right after the Bills beat the Dolphins.

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There's one simple way of addressing that:


"Do you think that Losman should have been benched after four games last season?"


Any fan who doesn't think that Losman needed to be benched after the debacles in Weeks 2-4, is every bit as delusional as that fan is no doubt accusing me of being right now.





Yes, 12 months ago, under our former bumbling regime Losman looked putrid. Fast forward to the present, and he is showing something. 2 games, 0 turnovers. The offense needs to put up more points but he's getting it.

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"Do you think that Losman should have been benched after four games last season?"




My answer to your question would be no.


Perhaps one should also ask another question. "If JP hadn't been benched after four games last season do you think we would be having this conversation?"


Or this one: "If the meathead hadn't benched JP after 4 games last season would we know more about his development as a QB today?"


Or this one: "If the meathead hadn't benched JP after 4 games last season would the team be further along than they are?"


Or finally we could ask "If you do not prefer JP as the starting QB of the Bills given their roster who would you choose?"



And then there's the ultimate question..."What would make JDG happy?"

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There's one simple way of addressing that:


"Do you think that Losman should have been benched after four games last season?"


Any fan who doesn't think that Losman needed to be benched after the debacles in Weeks 2-4, is every bit as delusional as that fan is no doubt accusing me of being right now.




I know I shouldn't respond....but....this sort of ridiculousness deserves it....


What does him being benched have to do with his progress from the end of last season to this one? :w00t: Who said anything about him being benched in 2005?! There are you go again, ignoring the real issues here and pounding away at that square peg. 0:)


If you watched last season OBJECTIVELY (impossible for you, I know), then you would have seen JP progressed after being benched and got better. You are so concerned about his "progress"...well, he's made progress and is continuing to make progress every snap. His reads are sharper, his accuracey is up. He has all the physical tools (great arm and legs), the rest comes with experience which he is gaining.


That development continued into the preseason of this year. He is not the same QB he was in week 2 of last year. He is light years ahead of where he was.


But you can't see that because you want to be right. This isn't about JP. This isn't about the Bills. It's about you.

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There's one simple way of addressing that:


"Do you think that Losman should have been benched after four games last season?"


Any fan who doesn't think that Losman needed to be benched after the debacles in Weeks 2-4, is every bit as delusional as that fan is no doubt accusing me of being right now.





Mr. JDG,


Please immediately cease your spamming of my voicemail with J.P. Losman's address. I must say that in all my years of service, i have never had anyone leave 58 voicemails, as you have since the conclusion of yesterdays game. For the final time, please read my policy. A mob MUST have greater than 5 members before i will conduct business with your party. You, Mickey, and that other Arm fellow you keep mentioning are not numerous enough for me to warrant a trip to Mr. Losman's residence.


I thank you for your interest in my services, however if you do not stop harassing me, i will be forced to take legal action.


Thank you.

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