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I can’t believe this happened to my wife!


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After running a half marathon my wife became cold after cool down so she threw on a sweat shirt that happens to say “Duke University” on. It was just an old shirt she had in the closet; she was not trying to make a statement. As she wondered the promotional booths at the new Nike gear booth she was approach by a black man who said very sarcastically “nice shirt”. Sensing the hostility she moved on. The man followed after her and said “I have a few of my own, I plan to burn later”. :o


Come to find out a few months ago she was working out at the gym with the Duke shirt on and a few people told her she should not be wearing that shirt, she thought they were joking. Guess not!


This is insane, we live 1,200 miles from Duke yet this PC fascism has touched us here. WTF!!!

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No surprise. She should have told him her KKK shirt is in the laundry. Funny thing happened last night. A couple of African-Amercan gentlemen were leaving the establishment I was in when they were told jokingly, "Be careful, this is Fairport". Except it's not really funny because dudes get pulled over all the time in Faiport for DWB, where the race mix goes about 97% white.

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This is insane, we live 1,200 miles from Duke yet this PC fascism has touched us here. WTF!!!


It's because even though it was only a few players accused, everyone that goes to Duke, or formerly went to Duke, or is planning on going to Duke, or just likes Duke, or parents went to Duke, is the same.


I wouldn't call it PC, I'd call it being ignorant.

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After running a half marathon my wife became cold after cool down so she threw on a sweat shirt that happens to say “Duke University” on.  It was just an old shirt she had in the closet; she was not trying to make a statement.  As she wondered the promotional booths at the new Nike gear booth she was approach by a black man who said very sarcastically “nice shirt”.  Sensing the hostility she moved on. The man followed after her and said “I have a few of my own, I plan to burn later”.  :unsure:


Come to find out a few months ago she was working out at the gym with the Duke shirt on and a few people told her she should not be wearing that shirt, she thought they were joking.  Guess not!


This is insane, we live 1,200 miles from Duke yet this PC fascism has touched us here. WTF!!!



what happened at Duke?

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what happened at Duke?


Black stripper falsely accused 3 white lacrosse players of raping her. DA up for reelection in very African American district presses charges even though it appears there is little to no evidence that the stripper was raped much less having been raped by the players.

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Black stripper falsely accused 3 white lacrosse players of raping her.  DA up for reelection in very African American district presses charges even though it appears there is little to no evidence that the stripper was raped much less having been raped by the players.



Tawana Brawley, anyone?

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