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Need advice....have new baby!!!


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I have a daughter 6 weeks old and she is cute as a button and has me wrapped around her little finger.......until it becomes bath time


She screams when my wife and I put her in the baby tub filled with warm water (we test it). We are gentle as can be and do everything to keep the soapy water out of her face. We try to keep her as warm as we can.


Has this happened to anyone who has a baby or once had a baby? Any advice?

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You could take it in "baby steps" and let her splash in a pail of lukewarm water.

Let her have fun splashing and playing with a favorite toy (no, not a PS2) in the water.

I think if you gently acclimate her to a water environment where she's had an experience of fun, she might take to the experience of a full bath without the hysteria you mentioned.

You should also make sure the water is very lukewarm.


She's probably just intimidated by the water. You know, like Mike Williams was intimidated by NFL Defensive Ends.

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Some kids just don't like bath time. When my twins were that age they both screamed like banshees when it was time for the bath. Eventually they grew out of it (I was stunned when my mother-in-law gave them a bath one day and they were actually enjoying it).


Really not sure how much you can do with a 6 week old - if they don't like something its pretty hard to change (but they do grow out of phases pretty quickly).


Good luck!

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One of our four did not like bath time...we used what I have dubbed now the taterhill method --hand her to me in the shower. She is 7 now and there were no mental scars from showering with her hairy old dad when she was an infant.


Are you using one of the bath sponges to lay her on? Sometimes if you don't wring it properly--the absorbed water makes the sponge really cold--it gives them a little shock.


The other thing may be the ears--water in the ears is supposedly painful...


Like AD's shot idea as well....

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