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Until 8 years ago, the answer was Miami by a mile. But living in the Boston area for a few years got me to hate the Pats so much right now. They are arrogant people who cannot seem to understand that the only reason they are on the map is because Bob Kraft endeared himself to the NFL power players. This in turn got the famous "Tuck Rule".

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Honestly, this evolves a little more every year. I was born in 78 so I remember a little of Miami beating us like red headed step children and I was at some pretty vicious Buffalo/Miami games and the game where Cox flipped us all off. So my public enemy #1 is still Miami.




Every year I hate the Patriots a little more than the prevous year. Some of it is because they've killed us recently, but more of it is the nauseating media coverage they get. Tedy Bruschi makes me phsyically ill and every time I see Marcia get breathed on and a 15 yard flag is thrown I get a little more pissed.


Here's the differnce. I EXPECT to beat Miami, at this point I don't EXPECT to beat the Patriots so losing to Miami is always a little worse.


These rivalry things always die down a little when both teams are mediocre, they fire up when either both teams are good or one team spanks the other for an extended period of time. Right now Buffalo/New England is on the upswing and Miami is steady.

Easy.  Dolphins.  If you have been a Bills fan for any period of time, no explanation is needed.


Zactly. We go through this once or twice per year, and there is only one correct answer. fins suck

  I don't know anyone that really hates the Jets.



I hate the mother-effing Jets. Hate them. Every time I've seen the Bills play them, it's been a disaster. And their fans suck ass.

I hate the mother-effing Jets. Hate them. Every time I've seen the Bills play them, it's been a disaster. And their fans suck ass.


Amen to that though, some of the biggest fights I remember were at Jets games. The UB frats buy blocks of tickets get liquored up and, since most of the are from down there they fight with the liquored up Bills fans in the end zones.

shut the hell up, you! ;)



Perhaps if you got to know these Dolfelons, as you say... you would find you have alot in common. Shared activities such as scrapbooking and flower pressing really can bring people together. :rolleyes:

Until 8 years ago, the answer was Miami by a mile.  But living in the Boston area for a few years got me to hate the Pats so much right now.  They are arrogant people who cannot seem to understand that the only reason they are on the map is because Bob Kraft endeared himself to the NFL power players.  This in turn got the famous "Tuck Rule".



I was going to say the same thing, but with the huge number of bandwagoners around here, I don't even want to call them fans. Hell, my roommate is originally from San Diego but he tries to pass himself off as a Pats fan.


Definitely New England for me, but I'm also a person who was born in the 80s so I think your age has a lot to do with which team you hate more.


Sure I'll always hate the Fins...but I friggin LOATHE New England. Hate their idiotic fans who are the most arrogant, worst behaved bunch in the entire NFL. Its completely 1984ish with them. There was no history before 2001. The Patriots have ALWAYS been winners. Do not insult Brady. Do not insult Bruschi. Do not insult Belichick. They are all GODS among mortal men.


Just complete and utter crap from New England and its fanbase.


In school we had an arch rival school, that no matter how the rest of the season went we had to beat them. Even if they were dead last and sucked really bad.

Miami has been and always will be that arch rival team. If they were 0-15, and was that last game on the schedule, with our playoff spot already settled, I would still want to crush them! :rolleyes:

State your reason.





No Doubt. No Doubt. No Doubt. Anyone who says otherwisee was not born before 1967.


I was born in 1965; the Dolphins stole my childhood. I hate everyone and everything associated with the Dolphins--their city, their fans, humidity, etc. I eat as much tuna as possible and wish they made gill-netting legal again.


I root against "what's-his-name" when I find myself watching celebrity golf.


My favorite football highlight was Garo Yepremian's botched field goal, pass attempt, and tackle against the Washington Redskins. (Ya want proof that it's my favorite highlight? Mike Bass is the Redskins player.)


I despise how the 1972 team gathers to root against the final unbeaten team each season. Absolutely, positively, no class.


That's just a partial list of the 1970's reasons to hate them; I have twenty five more years of hatred, but I'll spare everyone the details.


I will take a 2-14 season with two wins over the Dolphins over a 7-9 season with two losses to the Dolphins.



I hate Dallas more, though.


Somone once posted something along the lines about Roman Phifer when he came to the Jets:


"Climb on my shoulders, little buddy! I'll carry you through the season!"


That isn't an exact quote, but it's the best team-hating I've ever seen on this board. Hilarious!


I've been a fan since day one. At first the hated rivals were the Boston Patriots, because they were our most serious competition (Babe Parelli, Nick Buonoconti and many other great players. Actually it was hard to hate Miami when they first came into the league as they were so bad and so far away. (John Stofa of the University of Buffalo was one of their first quarterbacks.) The Patriots were hated and respected. Over the years its been Miami. the Marino/Kelly comparisons, and the fact that for years we couldn't beat them and then for years they couldn't beat us. I hate Miami and the Patriots.


Good question.


I think it depends on when you became a huge fan (and don't say when you were 5 - little kids are fans of Sesame Street and ice cream - their football fandom isn't yet formed).


Being born in 1970, I can understand the whole Miami thing. By the time I really became a huge fan (call it 1980) it was at its peak. IHATED Miami ans still do, but they are no longer at the top of my list - that dragon was eventually slain.


Remember, that was 25+ years ago, folks. Sure the Dolphins owned us and sure it made for a great rivalry. But what have they done since? After our Super Bowl years the next team to own us was the Pats - unfortunately we are still in that cycle (31-0 win against them a few years ago notwithstanding - but it was sweet).


Hey, I'm all for hating the Dolphins, but to hold them as most hated for something that happened long ago while in the midst of being owned by another team right now isn't rational. It's like hating Germany for WWII instead of hating Osma bin Laden.


Then again, it could just be that I live outside of Boston and have to put up with the a-holes all the time :rolleyes:

Zactly.  We go through this once or twice per year, and there is only one correct answer.  fins suck


right on

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