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Losman's a cocky jerk

Kelly the Dog

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Get a load of this crap this guy spews. Me, me, me all day long. This was his interview today:


JP Losman


On if he has anything to prove from last year…


I don’t even think about last year to tell you the truth. It doesn’t matter what happened - good or bad. It’s a new team, new offense. We have some new players. We have our goals. It doesn’t matter who we’re playing against. We’re out there trying to accomplish what we’re trying to accomplish. Our offense, we have to master that first. Obviously, that’s dictated on what they do. Other than that it’s juststraight execution. You can put Xs out there. It really doesn’t matter who it is. It has to be that way every week.


On if playing Miami drives you a little bit, like you said New England drove you a little bit last week …


It just doesn’t. I don’t know why. I just don’t feel that way. No extra things (are motivating me this week). I’m really just focused on what we need to focus on. Just trying to move on from last week. Trying to move on from last year. Trying to make it all work.


On how things went well in Miami offensively last year and of that’ll impact this year’s game …


We have a new offense. New personnel. New formations. Obviously, they think we’re a different team, different scheme from last year. Are they going to do the same things (defensively)? Sure. We look at some of their personnel groupings, some of their guys are still there. But mainly, we’re looking at what they did in the preseason and against Pittsburgh.


On what stands out on Miami’s defense…


A lot of similarities to last week. They do a lot of similar things. We get another chance at the same type of defense. We’ll see how it goes.


On last week’s game …


We executed pretty well in the passing game. We were able to check the ball down. We were able to throw it away when things were not open. But in a game like that it’s the little things. Not the running game or the passing game. Things hurt us at the end there. We had some penalties. We had a safety. You wonder if there was a chance to get that ball out of my hands. But you look at the film and I really don’t know when I could have thrown the ball away. It was tough.


On whether it’s frustrating not to be able to get Lee the ball …



It’s frustrating. But we’ve got to play ball and he knows that. He’s the guy now and he knows he’s going to get double-covered. The chances they gave us single coverage on him, both times ended up in sacks. So we couldn’t hold up to get him the ball. They went one-high and we said here’s our chance especially at the end of the game to hit ‘em. It’s not frustrating; it’s just the way it goes. Last year, it was a different guy (as the No. 1 receiver). Now it’s him. But now other guys have a chance to get more touches.


On Miami’s secondary being completely turned over from last year and if it’ll take a quarter to feel them out …


That’s every week. Coaches can tell you how it’s going to be. How they’re going to play, how this guy plays. For the most part, they are accurate. But there will be instances where you say I saw it on film but they didn’t really do the same thing. You always have to feel the other team out on the first couple of drives. Mainly what it comes down to is execution. It’s the little things. Once you become a great team in the NFL, what I’m seeing so far is those teams take care of the little things. Little penalties, sacks, dropped balls, miscues, all those little things have to be cleaned up if you want to be great. It doesn’t matter who is over there, you have to execute.


On whether Mularkey stunted his growth by making him watch the final eight games last year…


I’m so far from last year. Nobody knows (the answer). Everybody has different philosophies. Obviously they felt that was the best opportunity for the team and for me. You have to roll with it. You have to look at the positives. Everyone has an opinion. You just have to go with it.


On if he has any motivation going against Mularkey…


None. Zero.


On whether Mularkey will share the tendencies of some of the Bills personnel with the Dolphins defense …


He can. He’ll probably just say this is what I know of him. But, it’s a totally different offense. There are totally different tendencies. You’ll have to look at the preseason games and the first week to know my tendencies now. I looked at last year’s game. I watched it and saw myself and said I was a totally different guy back there pulling the trigger. This year, I’m a completely different guy. That’s what they are going to have to study.


On if he was disappointed at Mularkey for walking out on the team last year…


Not him. I was disappointed in the situation. I’m a Mularkey fan. I like Mike a lot. I don’t know how the outside world or fans perceive that relationship, but when I see him it’s going to be a handshake and a hug. In a situation like that you have to shrug your shoulders and say too bad it didn’t work out. I wish it did. But it didn’t and that’s the way this business is.


On the differences here now compared to the previous coaching staff …


We’ve talked about that many times. It’s completely different. There are some similarities. But it’s different. From a personnel standpoint, you’ve been in the locker room, it’s a different feel. It’s a lot more positive attitude. I don’t know if it’s the players or coaches. A lot of players in there are just positive right now.


On if things have progressed since the start of training camp …


They are definitely getting better week in and week out. Even in practice it’s getting better – for the whole team as well. Obviously I’m more involved with the offense, so I’ll speak for them; it just seems that the little things done wrong will not be overlooked. They will not be tolerated or accepted. Little things. No incomplete passes will be tolerated by our coaches. He will not stand for an incomplete, inaccurate pass. He will not stand for a missed audible. He will not stand for any of it.

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Get a load of this crap this guy spews. Me, me, me all day long. This was his interview today:






As someone who has been critcal (I think fairly) of Losman's play, while holding out hope for a turnaround, I don't think that JP's attitude, at least in public, has ever been a perceived poorly by anyone who follows such things.


As I have always said about Losman (well, since the begining of last year) there is a ton to like about him, he just needs to start putting it all together; the on the field performance has to start risinig to the level of the off the field persona...this past Sunday was a nice step in the right direction.

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On if playing Miami drives you a little bit, like you said New England drove you a little bit last week …


It just doesn’t.  I don’t know why.  I just don’t feel that way.  No extra things (are motivating me this week).  I’m really just focused on what we need to focus on.  Just trying to move on from last week.  Trying to move on from last year.  Trying to make it all work.


nice interview, especially the bit about mularkey, who i still think is a decent coach (i say this as i dodge the tomatoes). but this little passage above is a bit too johnsonesque for me. i recall quite precisely in december 2000 RJ saying that longstanding rivalries meant nothing to him and implying that that stuff (i.e., blood feuds between teams) is all bs. the bills lost that weekend 30-6 at home in frigid weather to jay fiedler and co. anyway, maybe it is bs in the grand scheme of things, but i want my buffalo bills to imbibe in that particular religion, and if they don't, i'm suspicious. i will give him a mulligan, though. hopefully, a drunken offseason in his new stomping grounds of downtown buffalo will kick some of that old time religion into him.

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nice interview, especially the bit about mularkey, who i still think is a decent coach (i say this as i dodge the tomatoes).  but this little passage above is a bit too johnsonesque for me. i recall quite precisely in december 2000 RJ saying that longstanding rivalries meant nothing to him and implying that that stuff (i.e., blood feuds between teams) is all bs. the bills lost that weekend 30-6 at home in frigid weather to jay fiedler and co. anyway, maybe it is bs in the grand scheme of things, but i want my buffalo bills to imbibe in that particular religion, and if they don't, i'm suspicious. i will give him a mulligan, though. hopefully, a drunken offseason in his new stomping grounds of downtown buffalo will kick some of that old time religion into him.



I feel the same way as you, but while I want them to FEEL it, I don't necessarily want them SAYING it. Good teams let their play do the talking....not their mouths.

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