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Not losing sleep?

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Am I the only one who isn't terribly concerned with the loss of Vincent? Don't get me wrong, he's a hell of a leader for the team, great mentor for the young guys, etc.


But as far as his game goes, he's on the downside of his career and isn't the Pro Bowler he once was. He is certainly more experienced than any player we replace him with, but does his presence make the defense that much better?


All I've been thinking about since I heard the news is how - of all the starters on both sides of the ball - he's the most expendable player not named "Shelton." I actually like the idea of Ko learning trial by fire. Sure, he will make mistakes and I'm sure he and Whitner will combine for some broken coverages,...


... but since he can't singlehandedly win the Bills a game, is there any reason to worry he will singlehandedly lose one?


Sorry if this is a little rambling and not quite coherent, I'm just wrestling with this notion that they Bills are better of with Simpson in my head. Haven't quite fleshed it out 100% yet.

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Simpson is going to be an all-out stud sooner or later....I just assume it be sooner, myself.


As for Troy, I wish him well....but it's "KO" time, baby....

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Am I the only one who isn't terribly concerned with the loss of Vincent?  Don't get me wrong, he's a hell of a leader for the team, great mentor for the young guys, etc.


But as far as his game goes, he's on the downside of his career and isn't the Pro Bowler he once was.  He is certainly more experienced than any player we replace him with, but does his presence make the defense that much better?


All I've been thinking about since I heard the news is how - of all the starters on both sides of the ball - he's the most expendable player not named "Shelton."  I actually like the idea of Ko learning trial by fire.  Sure, he will make mistakes and I'm sure he and Whitner will combine for some broken coverages,...


... but since he can't singlehandedly win the Bills a game, is there any reason to worry he will singlehandedly lose one?


Sorry if this is a little rambling and not quite coherent, I'm just wrestling with this notion that they Bills are better of with Simpson in my head.  Haven't quite fleshed it out 100% yet.



I will actually sleep just a little bit better knowing that opposing receivers will no longer be safe going across the middle against the Buffalo Bills.

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I will actually sleep just a little bit better knowing that opposing receivers will no longer be safe going across the middle against the Buffalo Bills.



This is even crazier, but I have loved watching Leonhard play. He is probably too slow and too small to be a good NFL player, but has that crazy attitude that just makes you wonder. I am glad he is getting a chance

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I'm psyched to see Simpson in there - if I'm losing sleep over anything it is depth at the position right now (and the fact that we're wasting a roster space at that position on Wire). I hope when Bowen gets back Leonhard sticks and Wire gets gone. I really wish we had just kept Baker over Wire. Hopefully the Bills brass will show some brass ones and admit their mistake now w/ Wire and move forward w/o him.

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I wonder if he's on drugs?



Pre-drug days there were plenty of these types around. Hell, Kelso and his big helmet were one of those "hit first, worry later" types. Just worry that the speed of the game has passed these guys by.

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With Bowen hurt there wasn't an option to keep Baker over Wire.  I really wish the Bills had kept Baker over Vincent.


? Why do you say that? Baker can and has played both FS and SS. As opposed to Wire who can only play NO S.

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Am I the only one who isn't terribly concerned with the loss of Vincent?  Don't get me wrong, he's a hell of a leader for the team, great mentor for the young guys, etc.


But as far as his game goes, he's on the downside of his career and isn't the Pro Bowler he once was.  He is certainly more experienced than any player we replace him with, but does his presence make the defense that much better?


All I've been thinking about since I heard the news is how - of all the starters on both sides of the ball - he's the most expendable player not named "Shelton."  I actually like the idea of Ko learning trial by fire.  Sure, he will make mistakes and I'm sure he and Whitner will combine for some broken coverages,...


... but since he can't singlehandedly win the Bills a game, is there any reason to worry he will singlehandedly lose one?


Sorry if this is a little rambling and not quite coherent, I'm just wrestling with this notion that they Bills are better of with Simpson in my head.  Haven't quite fleshed it out 100% yet.



Your rambling is right on the money, well said! He was no longer a factor. He is also getting paid a fair amount of money for his limited activity.

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