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Teacher sex!


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"And let's be honest with each other here, okay.  Let's put all the cards on the table. She's fit for a straight-jacket.  This broad is f***ed three ways towards the weekend.  And you want to know what? I dig it! It turns me on! Yea, it turns me on! "



At the end of the day, how many here, if given the opportunity would do her? (I'm raising my hand) :unsure:

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ahh i love the crazy ones. I think she would be really fun in bed. But seriously if she were a male teacher the same age, they would throw the book at the guy. I understand being horny in my early 20's but jeez i know to avoid 14 year olds. This sickens me because i am just about to get out w/ education certification, and i'll be in schools this fall and next fall for teacher observations and student teaching respectively, and i know that this chick is benefiting from the double standard of society. Sadly, society gives women a little more slack on certain things that men get ostracized for.

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