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ANybody catch that hot blond's (cant remember her name) interview last night. She's the teacher that did her 14 year old student. Man she's looking damn good. But she is definently not right in the head!

  dib said:
. But she is definently not right in the head!

As long as she's right with the head.


She said they had oral sex first in her bedroom...then would have sex at school in the classroom...the guy asked her how many times they did it?..she said "ALOT of times" <_<

  Buffan00 said:
She said they had oral sex first in her bedroom...then would have sex at school in the classroom...the guy asked her how many times they did it?..she said "ALOT of times"  <_<





  Dr. Fong said:
I just find it a bit hypocritical and ridiculous that the same network that brings you "To Catch a Predator" would give this attention whore any noteriety.



Exactly. Imagine this interview if it were a male instead of a hot but stupid whore. Would he get asked about how many times "they did it" and would people leer and cheer at the answer? Sure the double standard exists in how we regard male and female sexual exploits, but giving this coont any attention is frickin' asking for trouble and reeks of desperation for ratings.


For me, the best part of the interview was when they showed a clip of her new fiancée, a childhood sweetheart, who said something like "I've waited my entire life for her"


Just another fine example of no matter how crazy a woman might be, if she's hot, some guy, somewhere, will want to "save her" But then again, crazy chicks do have their upside :pirate:


Paris Hilton was born to play this role in a Lifetime Movie of the week. :pirate:


Seriously, why would a women this attractive need to be prying on a 14 old kid? Wasn't she married at the time this was going on? This women is fugged up in the head something fierce.

  rastabillz said:
Seriously, why would a women this attractive need to be prying on a 14 old kid?



It wasn't that she needed to suck and !@#$ a 14 year old. It's that she wanted to. In the brief time I have seen/heard her, she sounds emotionally incompetant and somewhat of a mental midget.

  DevilsAlum said:
For me, the best part of the interview was when they showed a clip of her new fiancée, a childhood sweetheart,  who said something like "I've waited my entire life for her"


Just another fine example of no matter how crazy a woman might be, if she's hot, some guy, somewhere, will want to "save her" But then again, crazy chicks do have their upside  :unsure:


"And let's be honest with each other here, okay. Let's put all the cards on the table. She's fit for a straight-jacket. This broad is f***ed three ways towards the weekend. And you want to know what? I dig it! It turns me on! Yea, it turns me on! "

  MadBuffaloDisease said:
Nutty broads are great, until they take their clothes off.  Who wants a broad with nuts? :unsure:




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