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Which means absolutely nothing.  But thanks for another useless post in a long line of them.  Someday someone like Tom is going to figure out the cure for cancer - and it'll be based in your fuggin' lunacy.  You know, like the Bible Code.


Obvious you didn't see his new gay commercial.

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Oh, come on. You're all making it like he's on the Todd Collins-Rob Johnson level, and that just isn't the case. He's shown flashes of ability, but he isn't a smart QB and is inconsistent. Don't get me wrong, I like Losman and am glad we have him and not Brooks, but you guys are over doing it.


Oh, was I welcome in this thread with a low post count?

Oh, come on. You're all making it like he's on the Todd Collins-Rob Johnson level, and that just isn't the case. He's shown flashes of ability, but he isn't a smart QB and is inconsistent. Don't get me wrong, I like Losman and am glad we have him and not Brooks, but you guys are over doing it.


Oh, was I welcome in this thread with a low post count?


FNG. Sing me your fight song.


The number one difference between Losman and Brooks...


Losman has upside, or potential:


Main Entry: potential

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: promising

Synonyms: abeyant, budding, conceivable, dormant, embryonic, future, hidden, imaginable, implied, inherent, latent, likely, lurking, plausible, possible, prepatent, probable, quiescent, thinkable, undeveloped, unrealized


Brooks is an A$$ Hat


1. Ass Hat

181 up, 20 down



Idiotic, stupid. To act like a moron.


From the popular insult "to have your head up your a$$". This imagry leads to ones a$$ being placed on the head like a hat, hence "a$$hat".

  • 2 weeks later...



That avatar, would that make you JoeFourPack or would that

be an eight pack???? ....ah, heaven....

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