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Lindell's 53 yarder

Buffalo Mike1

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Not that it matters <_< but Lindell is a class guy too. Talked to my kids for a little bit at camp when they got his autograph and was really nice to everyone that came up to him.

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This kick has been overlooked with the losing and all.


It was right down the middle and I have to say I was confident it would be even before he kicked it.


I like Lindell. I think he got an unfair shake in his first year and has been steady to really good ever since.

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Incredible restraint by Donohoe and Mularkey to bring him back after his awful first year. Everybody was calling for his head, especially after that short miss in the Pittsburgh game at the end of '04. That was the capper on a horrible season for Lindell.


He worked with a specialist in the offseason before '05, and changed his approach to the ball and his leg swing a little. Those small adjustmets made him longer, more accurate, and very dependable last season. He worked with the same guy this past year and the results appear to be the same. I can't wait till we're down 24-23 and he has a 46-yarder for the game. We haven't seen him in that spot yet.

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