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Okay, which TSW'er was it?!


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Being trapped in Patsy-land is seldom fun. But today was good for a Bills related chuckle...


About an hour or two before kickoff, I go to pick up my friend who lives in Southie. I am getting out of my car and I see this SUV with a Bills flag on it and two guys in the front seat dressed in matching Losman jerseys looking at a map.


I go ask if they're lost, they ask me where the Stadium is. I say, "it's right down the street, take a left," assuming they are talking about the local Bar/Club called the Stadium. "But, it's only 10:30, I'm not sure they're open yet..." I go on.


"No, we're looking for Gillette." <_<


I was too busy laughing (or biting my tongue) to ask which poster they were, but my money was on Crayonz...


So I'm thinking Crayonz is still lost (with another poor Bills fan) in South Boston looking for Gillette Stadium. :D

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