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No play calls utilizing J.P.s wheels


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The second half of a tight game against a division rival is NOT the time to work on the progression of your QB's fundamentals. In that half the Bills were presented with a plethora of downs in which they had the opprtunity to gain a distinct afvantage by getting a very mobile QB outside the Tackles. And yet they didn't choose to take advantage of a single one of those opportunities, several of which may have very well changed the entire tenor of that game.



Perhaps I'm mistaken, but didn't the new staff school JPL to cut down on the panic runs?


I didn't watch the game, but I'm sure that those who said that a run would have gained yards are right. Unless something negative happened - injury, turnover.




A seasoned vet is allowed to make those snap decisions. I prefer a youngster to follow what he was told to do, and work on those fundamentals. If those are not gained, he will remain a question mark.

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I agree.  A QB draw would have been a nice call on that third and 8 that led to a safety.  A safe call that may have caught them off guard and a chance to pick up a few yards.  It is a great way also to stop a pass rush.  Bootlegs, roll-outs etc.. help keep a pass rush off balance.  I think as the coaches get a better feel for the team and JP we will see this.


Exactly. Part of the selling point with JP is mobility, so when the chips are down why not take advantage of it? MM and buddies made the same bone-headed mistake at Tampa last year when JP took a sack while "learning to be a pro QB". Happened again this year and cost us the game. I say it's stubborned coaching/play-calling. Neither were the proper settings to "develop" a QB. Heck, why does he need to "develop" that way in the first place? If he's got wheels, we should use them to get us out of trouble in a tightly contested game.

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It depends on whether you want this guy to be the foundation for this team for the next ten years, or move the chains in one game during a rebuilding year.


Are you suggesting that if the Bills call two designed roll-outs and one sprint-option in a game that it will somehow destroy Losman's development for the next 10 years? ;)


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but didn't the new staff school JPL to cut down on the panic runs?

Nobody's talking about bailing out of the pocket. Im talking about moving pockets and roll-outs that are designed to get JP into space and give him the option to use his feet once or twice a game. Those should be part of any QB's development.

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