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(ot) stupid mac commercials

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For the most part they are accurate:


PCs get viruses, Macs don't.

PCs get spyware, Macs don't.

PCs require all kinds of setup once opened in order to do anything meaningul.

Macs have it all working coming out of the box.

PCs need drivers installed to use external devices.

Macs don't. It just works.



HAHA. I personally like PC's, but Mac's are fine too. The commercials are cute but the facts are a little misleading.


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For the most part they are accurate:


PCs get viruses, Macs don't.

PCs get spyware, Macs don't.

PCs require all kinds of setup once opened in order to do anything meaningul.

Macs have it all working coming out of the box.

PCs need drivers installed to use external devices.

Macs don't. It just works.




Not exactly.


- They portray Macs as immune from viruses and spyware: they aren't.

- For PCs, it depends on the manufacturer what setup you have to do, if any, in order to use an office productivity suite or anything else.

- Macs have plenty of devices that need drivers which aren't built into OS X, and Windows has devices that have drivers built in it which function out of the box.


The degrees to with which it happens to Mac/PCs is what varies really.

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HAHA. I personally like PC's, but Mac's are fine too. The commercials are cute but the facts are a little misleading.


WHAT? Commercials are misleading??


Gah! Well, I guess that explains why that silver train and all those hot chicks didn't show up the last time I opened a can of Coors Light.

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WHAT?  Commercials are misleading??


Gah!  Well, I guess that explains why that silver train and all those hot chicks didn't show up the last time I opened a can of Coors Light.



Oh, you mean it wasn't that the train crashed? It happened for you too?



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I actually get a huge kick out of those commercials.  The latest one with PC guy in a wheelchair is funny as hell.


Actually, the PC guy just released a book. I heard a few excerpts on the radio and, in small doses, it seems pretty funny. The Amazon reviews are mixed.


The Areas of my Expertise by John Hodgman

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Both of those guys are dweebs. The geek is funny on the Daily Show, and the snot was funny getting hit in the face by a wrench in Dodgeball, but their commercials have worn me out.


Apple should just have two super bad bitches get naked and mud wrestle, squash their boobies together a bit, and then have the Mac bodyslam the PC and pin her. I'd buy one tomorrow.

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No one who complains Windows ME is the "worst ever" really knows what they're talking about.  It's not even the worst Microsoft OS ever.  Clearly, you've never used Microsoft Bob.  ;)




ME is the worst I've ever used, and I believe the worst widely-used OS. I never used Bob. I remember you commenting on it before, but had never even heard of it before then.

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