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my thaughts


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we had alot of penalties, but some i thaught the refs should not have calles, like the hit to the head on brady (even i could see it wasnt a head hit, his head went back cus he got hit in the chest.) then the fumbles were called dead cus "they thaught his knee was down" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .


we were in the game until the 4th and 2 offsides on a FG. we would have been down by 3 with 10 min. left. but insted we were down by 7. then the insainly crazy bledsoe sackfest.


but the 3rd and 1, run play for a first down that was called back for holding, then 2 consecutive false starts turned a first down and atleast a field goal in to a 3rd and 20, and we ended up punting. WTF.


1st and 30, and the pats complete a 40 yard pass. WTF. so many times we had oportunities, and we pissed them all away and shot our selves in the foot.


i dont blame bledsoe for the sacks, (well i do blame him for the one sack and fumble for a TD, but other than that) he did good untill that last posession, and they were going all blitz, and our line kept missing blocks. he only took 2 sacks befor that last possession.


what drives me crazy is that we have the potential to be a good team, we are right in there up untill the last 5 min. then we SCREW it all up some how. 0-3. horrable, and discusting. we shoudl be 2-1. but we somehow managed to loose. always with a 3rd and 30, 40 yard completion, or a 1st and 30 and give up a 40 yard completion. we need a change somewhere. i dont think its all beldsoes fault, but everytime he drops back, i just think he will get sacked, or throw an INT, or do something that hurts the team. the O-Line is pathetic, if you cant protect the QB, atleast dont get a holding call on 3rd and 1 :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . i am discusted with how sloppy we play, and how many mistakes we make.


i see the same thing happening agenst the jets. and we might be 0-4 going in to the dolphin game. and to say that about the jets is just discusting.

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