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What a bunch of money hungry pigs, Our Bills and


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Just a quick rant......And I realize the entire NFL is like this. It's not bad enough the cost of this stuff is overpriced enough, but now let's rip people off on shipping also.


So, I order a Mesh type pullover and a new T-shirt type thing for my fiance from the Bills pro shop today. TWO items (glorified T-shirts), and the cost of the UPS ground shipping is $13.00.


To put that number in perspective, I just ordered 45 brand new football jerseys for a local youth league down here, and I paid a grand total of $4.80 to have them all shipped to us at once in one box. $4.80.


What a joke. UGH.

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Just a quick rant......And I realize the entire NFL is like this.  It's not bad enough the cost of this stuff is overpriced enough, but now let's rip people off on shipping also.


So, I order a Mesh type pullover and a new T-shirt type thing for my fiance from the Bills pro shop today.  TWO items (glorified T-shirts), and the cost of the UPS ground shipping is $13.00.


To put that number in perspective, I just ordered 45 brand new football jerseys for a local youth league down here, and I paid a grand total of $4.80 to have them all shipped to us at once in one box.  $4.80.


What a joke.  UGH.



I hear you LV. RIPOFF City!! :doh:

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I have a Moulds' authentic that I wanted to replace. I bought the Moulds' one on Ebay but I want a throwback authentic and can't find any of those up for auction so I went to the Bills pro shop to see what they charge. As if it's not bad enough that they want $260 for the authentic throwbacks they only have two players to choose from, McGahee and Losman. If you don't want one of those players you have to pay to "customize" the jersey which is an extra $40.


I was going to bite the bullet and pay the $260 for an authentic but once I saw they were trying to gouge me for another $40 I said !@#$ it, I'm not giving them another dime. I'll hold out and wait for something to come up on Ebay.

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Even more annoying that shipping prices is that last year before the opener, my dad and I arrived in Buffalo on Saturday. Before heading to Dannys, I decided that I wanted to pick up a throwback jersey from the pro-shop. Its 6-6:30 on the Saturday before the home opener and the pro-shop was closed. Ended up driving to one of the local malls and bought one at Dicks.

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I saw TKO wearing this shirt on the sidelines of last weeks game against the Lions but in a short sleeve. Does anyone know where I can get one? I checked all the links and none of them carry it. I appreciate the help. Thanks



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As an experienced Bills merchandise shopper, here's my tips:


1. Wait till the offseason. This is hard to do because of the "impulse" factor, but

you can find just about anything you want at 20-25% less.


2. Ebay. I found a 300 dollar (retail) Bills leather jacket for 120 shipped by

waiting (I know, it's hard!) until April.


3. Shop the out-of-the-way stores in Buffalo.


4. Stay away from the stores at the stadium. Granted, they have some unique

stuff, but you're going to pay the ultra premium, stick-you-because-we-can

price. Plus, there's nothing like a few beers at the game to make the price

seem better.


To me it's a matter of pride. Sometimes I have the money to pay a higher price,

but if I can get it cheaper, why not?

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I saw TKO wearing this shirt on the sidelines of last weeks game against the Lions but in a short sleeve. Does anyone know where I can get one? I checked all the links and none of them carry it. I appreciate the help. Thanks




Pretty sure you can find one here link



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I recently went online to order some Weber's Piccalilli Relish. It was $6.50 for the jar, and $8 to ship it.


Yeah, that made sense.



That better be some damn fine relish to drop $14.50 on. I don't generally find fault in the couple buck relish, but am not an expert.

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I saw TKO wearing this shirt on the sidelines of last weeks game against the Lions but in a short sleeve. Does anyone know where I can get one? I checked all the links and none of them carry it. I appreciate the help. Thanks




Does it have to be red? Here it is in grey.

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Well, not to be a jackass, but if you don't like the price of merchandise- don't buy it. Bills have the lowest ticket prices in the NFL and yet they are 12th in operating income. How? Partly due to TV and Merchandise money. All the NFL merchandise money is thrown in a pot and then split 31 or 32 ways (I don't recall if Dallas has their own deal or not). It helps the Bills quite a bit. NFL mercahndise prices are about the same for any team around the league.


Shipping prices have gone up due to the price of gas. Companies raise the price of shipping to compensate for the price of gas going up. They also need to make a profit or they wouldn't be in business. The increase is passed on to the customers. Shipping also includes the price gouging handling fees. That is a crock but there is nothing anyone can do about that except refuse to buy the merchandise.


The NFL is a giant monopoly and their main goal is to make truckloads of cash. The game is secondary to the business side.

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Thanks Jack and Stl Bills. I saw it in grey on that site but I was just curious if the Bills or the NFL were selling the same shirts that the players wear on the sidelines. I liked the red short sleeve and my wife was hoping to get one. We will take a look when we venture up for the home opener. Maybe the one shop near the stadium has those items. Thanks for the effort though in trying to find that shirt.

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Well, not to be a jackass, but if you don't like the price of merchandise- don't buy it. Bills have the lowest ticket prices in the NFL and yet they are 12th in operating income. How? Partly due to TV and Merchandise money. All the NFL merchandise money is thrown in a pot and then split 31 or 32 ways (I don't recall if Dallas has their own deal or not). It helps the Bills quite a bit. NFL merchnndise prices are about the same for any team around the league.


The NFL is a giant monopoly and their main goal is to make truckloads of cash. The game is secondary to the business side.


Absolutely. The best thing the marketers and NFL did for Buffalo is to convince the braindead that they are better fans for buying outrageously overpriced "official" mechandise than if they actually paid for a ticket and went to a game. Buying the $5 caps and $10 shirts and a ticket outside the gate is the sanest strategy. I've been sitting in my seasons and had (mostly visitor but some Bills) fans chide me for not having a shiny new official jersey. God Bless the sheep.
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