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Miami-Pittsburgh Game

R. Rich

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Hey Rich, your wife must've gone nuts when Miami punted and the KR took the ball at the four. That one single goof swung the field position dramatically and gave Miami the chance to take the lead. Otherwise, I think it's quite righteous that your wife's team won, but she's keenly aware and suspicious of the chinks in the armor.

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The news won't stop discussing Saban's "flag incident". What about the very flagrant pass interference non-call against Miami in the second quarter. That non call led to a great punt return which led to Miami's first touchdown. I haven't heard that play mentioned once in all the great press coverage. That non-call was at least as significant as the "flag incident". Next time Saban... throw the flag like a man and you won't have a problem.

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You sure about that?  I thought that Chambers got the better of the matchup, and Taylor 's wussiness in run support was appalling



My favorite quote of the game was when Madden went:


"I don't think Chris Chambers can beat Ike Taylor".


5 seconds later, Miami snaps the ball, short pass to Chambers who stiffarms Taylor to the ground.



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I just refuse to join the "_____ sucks!" crowd simply because everyone else is in it. 


He's no great QB, but if he continues to work on the finer points, there's a chance he could become one.


you're absolutely right. remember, it's his first game, and he was up against one of the premier defensive teams in the league. he doesn't "suck," and he didn't play an awful game. he didn't have a great game, but he showed that he can play, and play well. miami was never going to go 16-0, and there are going to be some rough patches (like last night), as there are for every team in the league every year.

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My favorite quote of the game was when Madden went:


"I don't think Chris Chambers can beat Ike Taylor".


5 seconds later, Miami snaps the ball, short pass to Chambers who stiffarms Taylor to the ground.






Considering Chambers had just 5 catches for 59 yards (a whopping 11.8 ypc avg; one of his catches was for 19 yards, so he averaged 10 yards on the others) and didn't score, I'd say Taylor did quite well. They decided not to press cover him for most of the game (smart move......ask Nate Clements what happens when you do press cover him) and limited his effectiveness after the catch.

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Considering Chambers had just 5 catches for 59 yards (a whopping 11.8 ypc avg; one of his catches was for 19 yards, so he averaged 10 yards on the others) and didn't score, I'd say Taylor did quite well.  They decided not to press cover him for most of the game (smart move......ask Nate Clements what happens when you do press cover him) and limited his effectiveness after the catch.


Not to mention that 2-3 of those 5 catches were when the game was virtually over.


I think that Culpepper looked pretty good early, although he missed a few balls badly and had some lousy mechanics at times. Hey, guess what, that's how he plays and always has. I thought he moved well and made some plays. Later on he was getting killed by the rush, and Mularkey wasn't helping him by abandoning the running game but it wasn't working all that well.


I thought the first INT was a bad ball that he lobbed when he needed to fire it anytime TP is in the vacinity. The second one was just a typical great play in somewhat of a zone blitz that fools the best of QBs all the time. Porter really did a job on that looking like he was rushing, getting back extremely fast and then closing on a dime. Yeah, the QB threw an INT for a TD so it is on him, but I think most quarterbacks would have thrown that ball. Sometimes the defense guesses right and makes great plays and that was a great play by a great player.


The Dolphins will win some games they should lose, the media will ballwash them, Culpepper will have some statistically great games, and they will fold right on schedule. Their DBs stink, too.

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Pittsburgh did enough to win the game. Miami had that terrible defensive play that let Heath Miller go the distance with no safety help which didn't make a lot of sense to me other than the fact that it was week 1. Miami hung in there, but Pittsburgh showed everyone why they are the champions.

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To me, Culpepper is looking more and more like a guy who cannot survive on his own. Or should I say without Randy Moss? Look at Dante's #'s with Moss and without Moss. He goes from a Pro Bowl QB to a guy who seemingly throws 2 INT's for every 1 TD. Granted, his O Lines in Minny last year and MIA this year are not great by any means, it's his decision making that is looking more and more horrific.


When he had Moss to throw the ball to 10-15 times a game Randy was going to be good for coming down with 8 or more for 100 yds+, with atleast 2 being of the "deep-ball" variety, and usually 1 TD. Culpepper would get any where from 25-50% of his yards from Moss and usually half of his TD's as well. Now he actually has to read a defense, that isn't keying in on one guy, and make a smart decision before letting go of the ball. He's been making decisions alright, but not necessarily the smart ones. He could've had 5 INT's last night from what I saw. The 2 that were picked off, the drop in the endzone, one that Polamalu allllmost got to, and the the one that Chambers jumped for almost letting it bounce off into a defenders hands.


It's growing more and more obvious with every start that Dante was made by Moss. He almost looks lost at times without the 6'6", 4.2 40-yard dash guy to throw the ball to. Without Moss, I would have to say that he really looks average at best. Heck, maybe even a little less than that.

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I think that Culpepper looks pretty good early, although he miss a few balls badly and has some lousy mechanics at times. Hey, guess what, that's how he plays and always has. I thought he moved well and made some plays. Later on he was getting killed by the rush, and Mularkey wasn't helping him by abandoning the running game but it wasn't working all that well.



Well, given the (lack of) run blocking on the night, I can see why anyone would adopt a pass first attitude in that game. Hudson Houck (Miami's OL coach) got a lot of praise for getting these guys to overachieve last year; he should take as much blame for their performance last night.


I thought the first INT was a bad ball that he lobbed when he needed to fire it anytime TP is in the vacinity. The second one was just a typical great play in somewhat of a zone blitz that fools the best of QBS all the time. Porter really did a job on that looking like he was rushing, getting back extremely fast and then closing on a dime. Yeah, the QB threw an INT for a TD so it is on him, but I think most quarterbacks would have thrown that ball. Sometimes the defensive guesses right and makes great plays and that was a great play by a great player.



Ah yes: the essence of defending the pass in a 3-4 zone blitz, as very nicely described by KTFABD. Shots of "ta kill ya" are on me next time (Pats game, right?).


The Dolphins will win some games they should lose, the media will ballwash them, Culpepper will have some statistically great games, and they will fold right on schedule. Their DBs stink, too.



Sounds like same old, same old, doesn't it? They just added Culpepper to the mix.

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You know what really sucked? Having opening kickoff of the NFL on a freakin Thursday! What ever happened to Labor Day Weekend Kickoff on Sunday?? That used to be the best where you could party all weekend, watch the NFL and sleep in on Monday. I really think they ruined a good thing here. Now its all marketing and TV revenue and a bunch of hype. Its a shame and I think it just shows all they care about are key matchups and mad $$money$$. Disgusting. :P


BTW, Dante looked like complete sh--. Good thing he's on Miami those overrated buttplugs :doh:

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Well, given the (lack of) run blocking on the night, I can see why anyone would adopt a pass first attitude in that game.  Hudson Houck (Miami's OL coach) got a lot of praise for getting these guys to overachieve last year; he should take as much blame for their performance last night.

Ah yes:  the essence of defending the pass in a 3-4 zone blitz, as very nicely described by KTFABD.  Shots of "ta kill ya" are on me next time (Pats game, right?).

Sounds like same old, same old, doesn't it?  They just added Culpepper to the mix.


Hudson Hawk was a collosal failure, except that song by Bruce Willis was pretty funny. :doh:


I'll take you up on that shot. I may make it to the opener but definitely the Patsies and the Packers game.


I am really not very scared of the Fins and haven't been since the Bills were good. I still can't understand why everyone was going so crazy about Saban when they had a 10-6 playoff team in 2003, lost one major player in 2004 in Wickey, got him back in 2005 along with Ronnie Brown and finished 9-7. He's a pretty good coach but hasn't shown me much yet and his team has huge holes.

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I'm really surprised that no one has mentioned the atrocious playcalling of Meathead.


If you look back at the last drive of the first half, Miami had the ball at Pitt's 8 yard line with 41 seconds and 1 timeout. They proceeded to throw 3 straight incomplete passes, out of the shotgun no less. They should've of run at least once in that situation or have C-Pepp line up under center and maybe call a playaction.


They threw the ball too much and tried to get "cute" with a hard nosed football team that predicates much of its reputation with its toughness. The Dolfags should have pounded the ball a little more and try to punch the Steelers in the mouth. Instead, they tried to throw rocks from a distance and failed miserably.

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I'm also of the opinion that culpepper played pretty well. Especially since Meathead gave up on the run in the second half. Boy doesn't that sound familiar? Which meant he had to sit back behind a poor line and chuck it all day long. A bad recipe for all but the very best of QBs. Culpepper isn't the best of QBs. But he's a solid starter.


Watching the second half, all I could think of was the crappy playcalling. I so don't miss that.

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Not the prettiest of games, but it had its moments.


Culpepper looked pretty good, for the most part..


Hah...Fatpepper sucked. As usual. Game went pretty much as I thought. Fatty throwing interceptions at key times. It will be almost as fun watching the Dolphins blow this season with him as the Cowboys knobgobbling this year with TO.

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