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she is a dog . i wouldn't do her . out of the bed and give me my cheese and crackers . i do not see what people see in her . ;)

  POOJER said:
and we wonder why her 15 minutes isn't up yet......why is this newsworthy?????? ;)


Because people enjoy seeing rich, stuck-up bitches do stupid stojan.


oh I know, but the more we react to it the more we feed the monster, i wish it was possible to just ignore it, and let it fade away into Bolivia


  Jack In Syracuse said:
Because people enjoy seeing rich, stuck-up bitches do stupid stojan.


  POOJER said:
and we wonder why her 15 minutes isn't up yet......why is this newsworthy?????? ;)



Because, sadly, she has a hit single that gets lots of radioplay....I'm pretty sure I could waltz into a recording studio and record a hit single at this point.


She's lucky that all she got busted for was DUI. She has a reputation for bringing coke, ecstacy, and other illegal drugs when she's club hopping.


Hire a limo ya stupid ho.

  POOJER said:
and we wonder why her 15 minutes isn't up yet......why is this newsworthy?????? ;)



I dunno, why are fake orgasms over the radio entertaining? ;)

  SDS said:
I dunno, why are fake orgasms over the radio entertaining?  ;)



because it's harder than fake orgasms next to the radio?





You poeple sicken me. The poor girl hasn't been found guilty of anything at this point. Give her a break & try to put yourself into her shoes. Innocent until proven guilty!



Free Paris!!!




On second thought, keep yoursef out of her shoes...you might catch something.


edit...Fox News just reports that Paris blew a .08...much smaller than her usual...


Please stay tuned for updates.

  Beerball said:
edit...Fox News just reports that Paris blew a .08...much smaller than her usual...


Please stay tuned for updates.




They aren't covering the press conference live?

  Beerball said:
They're all over this case like....well, like Paris on dick.



Lovely image. And I just had breakfast too.


For my feelings on the whole thing, read my last sig line I stole from SilverNRed.

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