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This is an addiction...

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I've read lots of happy posts from optimistic people re: this season. In all seriousness, good for you. I can't bring myself to be positive about this team anymore. I can't do it. I've been sold too many bills of goods over the years.


My response to the Bills late season winning streak in 2004 was to declare for a month and a half that not only would the BIlls win every week up until week 17, but that all the other chips would fall into place (which at the time was a momumental feat) only to have the Bills lose the last game. We all know what happened.


I don't WANT to be a Bills fan anymore. I've tried on several occasions to boycott them. They respond by sucking me back in and breaking my heart even worse. I boycotted the Rams game in '04 and that lasted a quarter. They won and started that whole chain of events that ended in heartbreak. The next boycott was last year @ Miami. Again, it lasted a quarter...I had the flu...I put the game on to feel better and ended up wanting to hurl myself off the roof.


Buffalo sports are an addiction; a very unhealthy addiciton. Every year in February I swear I'm done and then every year in August I'm hungering for Bills football. Sure I watch the draft and casually look at OTAs but the true withdrawal pain starts in July...I need a fix...and no other team gives me the same high. Why do I (and I suspect many of you) put myself through this torture?


This is not a new revelation. It became clear to me during the Red Sox World Series run. I made a series of predictions based on the Red Sox ability to rip the hearts out of their fans. Up to that point the Red Sox didn't just lose, they lost in the most excruciating way possible. I realized that this insight wasn't born from baseball, it was from watching the Bills and Sabres. They don't just lose, they find ways to make it extra painful. In the last 20 years I have watched Ronnie Harmon drop a game winning pass in the playoffs, Scott Norwood (I can't even say it), Thurman lose his helmet and Andre Reed go ballistic, they took a 7-0 lead and turned it into a 52-17 debacle, they took a 13-6 halftime lead and turned it into a 30-13 loss (blowing a touchdown halftime lead for only the 2nd time in SB history). Then I watched "No Goal". Then I watched The Music City Fraud. Then I watched the team tear itself apart. Then I watched the Bills win 7 in a row, only to lose the last one and miss the playoffs, then the Sabres got me again. Now what? How can this possible turn out well? Our sports karma is complete crap.


And yet, against my better judgment I will forget about all of this on Sunday, put on my #51, and believe in my heart that we can win. The high of victory is just that strong and man do I need a hit....

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Dude spare us the theatrics. We all feel the same way. They piss me off more than they should but I never question my allegence to the Bills. At this point we're 0-0 and have a 1 in 32 chance of winning the big one....Or at least save these kind of posts until after we smoke the Pats in week one and have a third quarter 3 td lead on the fins in week 2, then blow it en route into an eight game loosing streak. ;)

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Dude spare us the theatrics. We all feel the same way. They piss me off more than they should but I never question my allegence to the Bills. At this point we're 0-0 and have a 1 in 32 chance of winning the big one....Or at least save these kind of posts until after we smoke the Pats in week one and have a third quarter 3 td lead on the fins in week 2, then blow it en route into an eight game loosing streak.  ;)



Dude, dont f**k with Karma. She kicked my ass once this week already...

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I've read lots of happy posts from optimistic people re: this season.  In all seriousness, good for you.  I can't bring myself to be positive about this team anymore.  I can't do it.  I've been sold too many bills of goods over the years.



No kidding? Your avatar tag says you're a Professional Cynic. One of your signature quotes implies that the new Commish is packing up the Bills-to-LA moving vans. The other is a reference to lack of loyalty among friends. ;)


Normally I'd tell you to cheer up, but I don't think there's any turning back at this point...

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Go to the front page of TBD, read all of the Buffalo News articles and tell me that you *still* don't want to be a Bills fan!


I'm so fired up right now, I'm buzzing. Can Sunday pleeeease get here soon?


It's been stated before, but I'll say it again - the Buffalo Bills are about way more than just Football, way more than W's and L's. The Bills are are a representation of the area that most of us call (or called) home; they ARE Buffalo! The Bills are about community, friendship, fun, reminising on the old days, getting together with a crew and pulling for our guys, in our city, in our stadium to triumph over adversity.


I wouldn't give up the Bills for anything in the world! Win or lose...


Going to The Ralph on Sunday's is the one thing I miss the most about living in that area! Of course, I'll be hitting the bar this Sunday and meeting up with the dozen or so other Bills fans here, drinking too many Blue's, eating wings, wishing for a Beef on Weck.


Oh, and I was in New England for the Sox series win - trust me, it's going to be soooooo sweet when we finally get our Super Bowl victory. No matter if it's in 2006 or 2036...

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