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Anyone catch the Bills 2006 Season Kick Off Show?

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Just watched the hour long special and as if I wasn't already excited enough about the season, that put me over the edge. As frustrating as our beloved team has been in recent years, football season is probably my favorite time of the year. The show started with a nice overview of all the major storylines from the offseason, then had some good interviews and a couple roundtable discussions with Vic Carrucci.


Like many, I was somewhat taken back by some of the changes at OBD during the offseason. I don't know why, but for some reason I find myself feeling good again about the direction the team is heading in. I think we may finally have an organization that has the front office, coaches, and players all on the same page working towards a common goal. Will we be a playoff team this year? Probably not. Will the games be exciting to watch and will we see signs of promise from the young core of players on the team? I think so.


I'm usually pretty optimistic about my sports teams but the last few years have proven that blind faith doesn't mean sh--. For some reason though, I just have a good feeling about the combination of coaching, personnel, and management that is in place now in Buffalo. A few random thoughts that crossed my mind while watching the show.


1. Marv's still got it

He doesnt look or sound 80 and he may be new to the job, but when he speaks people listen. It's probably a good thing to have a GM that players will respect and try to play hard for instead of a pompous control freak that scans the crowd for negative signs before games.


2. We have some young players to be excited about

I like the young core of players on this team for both their skills and potential on the field, but the way they seem to carry themselves and approach the game. I'm really starting to like this year's draft class and I think we will see more than a couple make a significant impact this year.


3. The previous coaching regime was retarded.

When Murph asked Crowell about the differences from last year's system to this year's, he kinda laughed and said something like it's "more normal" without all kinds of crazy blitz schemes and schitt. All across the board the coaches seem to have the most basic philosophy of "do things that make sense and are pretty simple, do them perfectly, and do them with full effort".


4. Dick Jauron is really goofy looking.


5. The o-line could be decent and get better, but one injury and they're f'd.

I hope for JP and Willis' sake that they stay pretty healthy and continue to improve as the season progresses.


6. I think our D could be surprisingly good this year and VERY good in upcoming ones


7. I can't wait to crack my first beer of the day on 9/24 at the Ralph decked out in one of my jerseys (undecided which one) and my giant foam chicken wing hat.


8. TKO is going to get a huge roar when he gets announced at the home opener.


9. It's going to be so much more fun following the Bills if they're finally on the upswing again.


10. I can't freakin wait till Sunday



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I watched that special too and all I have to say is Carrucci took the Bills to be 5-11? John Murphy took them to be 8-8 and the other guy from channel 7 took them to be 7-9. Carrucci seems to be trying to lose the image that he is a homer.



Why bury this here? Start a "Carrucci Sucks" thread! It's cathartic!

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Why bury this here?  Start a "Carrucci Sucks" thread!  It's cathartic!


I don't know what I was thinking, I know we could use a Carrucci sucks thread around here


(I was merely joking about it, I really don't have much of a problem if thats what he truely believes, but you would think they would want him to show a bit more optimisum on a BILLS preview show)

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Yeah, I doubt any out of towners will see it, although they may repeat it sometime this weekend. It was on Channel 7 WKBW in Buffalo and it was hosted by Channel 7 Sports anchors John Murphy (also radio voice of the bills) and Jeff Russo. They had Marv on along with many players. McGee was on and will also be on every week during their sunday night sports show at 11:30. Vic Carrucci also joined them in studio.

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Am I nuts ? Did the show have a recipe segment ? I tuned in late and didn't know what in hell was going on.



Yeah, apparently they thought Guys wanted a receipe for a good and easy artichoke dip and spinnachi dip for the football game, cause you know how picky most of us bills fans are when we are watching the game :D:D

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Am I nuts ? Did the show have a recipe segment ? I tuned in late and didn't know what in hell was going on.

Not only did those recipes air, they even turned up on the WKBW website....


(But how the heck am I gonna fit a microwave in the trunk of my car with the grill and cooler already in there?)

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I think the offensive line might survive one injury to an interior lineman, especially if it is only for a short time. I think Duke Preston is at least adequate as a guard or center. The Bills are dead meat if an offensive tackle goes down for half the season.

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  The Bills are dead meat if an offensive tackle goes down for half the season.



How about if one needs a drink of water ? Or gets dirt in his eye ? It is an unbelievable situation.

The Gandy man and Peters are expected to play how many downs this season ?



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